“I love myself above all else”-Shamim

Shamim Bobley

Shamim Bobley - Operations Manager Katende Muhammad Photography

My favourite label is…
I’m not very good at labels. If something tickles my fancy, I won’t mind what design brand it is before going ahead to buy. Although, I have a special attachment to Fatumah Asha, I love her dresses. Internationally, Dolce and Gabbana, their fragrances are always head turners.

I cannot do without…
Lipstick. It is something that adds greatly to my personality. Give me a matte red anytime, and everything will fall into place.

I cannot get enough of…
Myself. I consider myself number one priority. It is important for us to love ourselves, take care of our bodies and seek help if and when there is need to.

I last cleaned my wardrobe…
In January this year. I hope that is not too long. I clean it out every once year.

I buy my clothes from…
I shop online a lot, especially for trendy Islamic outfits. I also buy items such as nice veils and kaftans from boutiques in downtown Kampala.

The most expensive thing in my wardrobe is…
That will be my shoes, which sadly take a huge chunk of my money. I am not complaining though, I love my shoes. Also, there is a $300 (Shs1.1m) watch somewhere.

The colours that compliment my appearance are…
White and gold

I feel most confident and comfortable wearing
Jeans, heels and a veil. I wear this almost every day.