I eat to live

Bettina Praising Tumuhaise

What you need to know:

  • To ensure that I drink the required eight glasses of water per day, I carry my water bottle everywhere I go.
  • One must not eat simply because they have a lot of money to buy any food they come across.

When many think Christmas is about eating without ceasing, Bettina Praising Tumuhaise, a mother of three, and a business woman, will choose to stick to her daily menu despite of the many foods that will be severed.

If I am to eat, I stick to small portions because I live by the saying we eat to live not live to eat. Most of my food composes vegetables such as cabbage, nakati but mainly I prefer lettuce. I cook my vegetables for just five minutes so that they retain their nutrients. Sometimes, when I am not so hungry, I eat vegetables only since they help to speed up the digestion of other foods.
To keep my weight in check, I eat boiled foods three times a week. I eat meat once a week and choose to do way with milk and opt for spiced black tea instead. If I get a craving for junk foods, I will treat myself once a month.

To ensure that I drink the required eight glasses of water per day, I carry my water bottle everywhere I go. I do not drink soda and in case I do not take water then I drink juice without sugar. If I eat lunch then I will have to do away with supper and take a cup of coffee between 7pm and 8pm which I also plan on doing this Christmas.
To keep fit I swim once a week and jog every evening for about four kilometres. After a long tiring day, I make sure I get atleast six hour of sleep. One thing I never do is self medicate. Before I take any medication, I first consult a doctor. However, I rarely get sick because I treat my body like a temple.

One must not eat simply because they have a lot of money to buy any food they come across. Have discipline to learn the different types of food and what value they add to your body and general wellbeing. Eat only what is useful to you and will keep young.

As told to Phionah Nassanga