Entebbe murders: Decomposing body found near police station

Residents of Katabi Kitubulu gathered at the scene where the unidentified body was discovered as a police car arrives to take it away. PHOTO BY PAUL ADUDE.


Residents of Kitubulu, Katabi Town Council have been left in shock after an unidentified man’s body was found decomposing a few meters away from the Katabi Town council offices and Katabi Police Station.
Residents at the scene said the deceased who was found with backpack had several injuries on the head and it is suspected he was dumped in the bush after being attacked by iron bar hitmen.

The Entebbe Police OC CID, Daniel Batte said one person has been arrested after he reported to police about the decomposing body.
The suspect reportedly told police that he found the body in the bush as he had gone to answer nature’s call.

Mr Batte said the suspect will be interrogated as investigations continue.
He asked the public to avail police with any information regarding the deceased that could help in the investigation.
“We suspect the body has stayed in the bush for close to a week because it was already decomposing. If we establish the identity of the deceased, we shall get the criminals,” Batte revealed.
The body was later taken to Mulago Hospital mortuary for a postmortem.
The murder comes at a time when residents of Entebbe and Nansana in Wakiso District are still coming to terms with the recent murders of women in the area.
More than 20 women have been killed in the area since the beginning of this year alone.

Until on October 1, the President visited Katabi and spoke to relatives of some of the victims and the residents. He assured them that police had been using backward methods to track down the killers but now the security forces were going to use new technology such as DNA to investigate the crimes. He also made the everlasting promise of installing CCTV cameras in major cities to ease police work. We are still waiting on that promise.