Kyambogo University staff announce strike over Shs4 billion unpaid allowances

What you need to know:

According to Dr Grace Lubaale, a senior lecturer at the university, the money accumulated since January for teaching activities, invigilation, research supervision and marking.


Kyambogo University teaching staff have announced a strike over non-payment of allowances.

The staff demand over Shs4 billion from their employers.

According to Dr Grace Lubaale, a senior lecturer at the university, the money accumulated since January this year for teaching activities, invigilation, research supervision and marking.

“The meeting has resolved today to go on strike until those payments are effected,' Dr Grace said after the staff meeting.

Recently, the Spokesperson of the Kyambogo Joint Staff Assembly Jackson Betihama, who also serves as the chairperson of the public universities non-teaching staff forum said at least 196 billion shillings was then required to pay salaries and allowances for lecturers and non-teaching arrears for all public Universities.