MP Zaake could suffer permanent disability- doctor

MP Francis Zaake at Lubaga hospital. PHOTO BY ALEX ESAGALA

KAMPALA- Mityana Municipality legislator Francis Zaake could suffer “permanent disability” if nothing is done to help him, the executive director of Lubaga Hospital has warned in a confidential medical report shared with the patient’s family and the authorities in Parliament.

On August 20, Dr Andrew Ssekitoleko wrote to Speaker Rebecca Kadaga: “He (Zaake) has severe tenderness (pain) along his backbone from the neck downwards. It is consistent with injury to his spinal cord and will need further evaluation by a neurologist,” he stated.

“Spinal injuries could lead to permanent disability if not managed promptly or adequately.”

Dr Ssekitoleko has requested the Speaker of Parliament to help the MP access better or specialised medical facilities, preferably out of Uganda.
Mr Zaake, Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine and others were beaten in detention by unidentified security agents.
This followed the violence that engulfed the just concluded Arua Municipality by-election.

Yasin Kawuma, the driver of Bobi Wine, was killed in the fracas. At least 33 people including the Arua MP-elect Kassiano Wadri were arrested on accusations of stoning one of the presidential convey cars’. The suspects are detained at Gulu prison.

Mr Museveni issued a statement and indicated that Mr Zaake, one of the most wounded suspects escaped from custody.

The Mityana MP had his fingers cut and sustained multiple body injuries before people suspected to be security agents dumped him at Lubaga Hospital gate.

However, the government denies torturing Mr Zaake and Bobi Wine. The President in a Facebook post this week called such reports “fake news”.
The doctor’s medical report describes the excruciating pain that the MP is going through. The report has also recommended psychiatric care for the legislator after “acute post traumatic anxiety”.

“The above named Member of Parliament is currently receiving treatment from Lubaga Hospital with multiple injuries on his body and suffering with signs of acute post traumatic anxiety and requires treatment from time to time, we have recommended a psychiatric review,” Dr Ssekitoleko wrote to Speaker Kadaga.

Mr Zaake’s friends who talked to Saturday Monitor indicated that on account of the beatings inflicted on him in detention, the MP is suffering from constant episodes of inconsistencies in memory and cannot sustain a conversation.

“He can neither coordinate speech nor memorise issues meaningfully. He sometimes makes noise out the blue and loses sight every after four hours. It is a dangerous state he is living,” Kampala Central MP Mohammad Nsereko told Saturday Monitor.

Kampala Woman MP Nabilah Naggayi also condemned the people who tortured Mr Zaake and other Opposition supporters.

Mr Moses Kasibante, the Lubaga North MP, said “breaking people’s back bones because of politics won’t deter efforts to liberate the nation.”
Mr Zaake’s wife, Ms Bridget Namirembe, a medical practitioner, is worried that her husband’s situation could get worse on account of delayed referral.

“It is now the referral issue we are dealing with,” she said. “We want to see that he gets better treatment abroad before it’s too late.”
Asked on how Mr Zaake got wounded, the military spokesperson Brig Richard Karemire, said: “They know best. Victims of uncalled for violence or fracas.”

Parliament’s position
The authorities at Parliament have since responded to Dr Ssekitoleko’s letter and assured him that the institution has a medical care budget for its members.

“You are advised to make a comprehensive submission on the medical condition of Zaake to the medical board for consideration. Once the medical board gives approval, Parliament will readily facilitate the member to go for treatment”, Mr Obabaru G. Okello, the deputy clerk (corporate affairs) wrote.