Besigye re-arrested, driven to an unknown destination

A plain-clothed security officer pushes Dr Besigye to a waiting police van. Photo by Perez Rumanzi.

The standoff between Dr Kizza Besigye, a former presidential candidate at Rukungiri Court on Wednesday dramatically ended at about 6:30 pm when police officers stormed court premises and plucked him out of his car.

He was re-arrested together with Forum for Democratic Change party Secretary for Mobilisation, Ms Ingrid Turinawe, Patrick Amuriat, a candidate for the party presidency.

The arresting officers dragged the three to a waiting police van that drove them off through Kasensero Road to an unknown destination.

Riot police fired teargas to disperse a group of people who had camped at court since morning when the three secured bail.

Kigezi Regional Police commander, Mr Dennis Namuwoza, who earlier in the day said they wanted to ensure that Dr Besigye and his colleagues do not drive through Rukungiri Municipality, declined to state where Dr Besigye and his colleagues have been taken.

The standoff started minutes after Dr Besigye’s car was driven into the compound to pick him.  

A police driver immediately drove to the gate and blocked the gate using a van. Dr Besigye and his colleagues spent the entire day inside the court premises as armed police officers camped outside.

There was heavy deployment on all routes leading to Rukungiri town.

Dr Besigye, Ms Turinawe, Mr Patrick Amuriat and Rukungiri District councillor Innocent Tashobya were arrested in Rukungiri on October 19 as they headed to the neighbouring Kabale District to address a rally.

They were charged with two counts of inciting violence, malicious damage to property and disobedience of statutory duty.

They pleaded not guilty. The case has been adjourned to November 16, 2017 for mention and setting of trial dates.

Transfered from Nagalama

Police on have transferred Opposition activist Kizza Besigye from Nagalama Police Station in Mukono district back to Rukungiri District where they arrested him last week.
A convoy of heavily armed Counter Terrorism Police drove into the police station at about 3pm yesterday.

This was about an hour after Nakifuma Magistrate’s Court had heard Dr Besigye’s petition seeking immediate release and adjourned the case for a ruling today.
Dr Besigye, the Forum for Democratic Change party Secretary for Mobilisation, Ms Ingrid Turinawe, candidate for the party presidency Patrick Amuriat and Rukungiri District councillor Innocent Tashobya were arrested in Rukungiri on October 19 as they headed to the neighbouring Kabale District to address a rally.
Police claim that the four-time FDC presidential candidate and his co-accused had commanded a procession in Rukungiri on October 18 where one person was killed.

Police officers push Dr Besigye into a police van. He has been driven to an unknown destination. Photo by Perez Rumanzi.

Dr Besigye disembarks from a police truck at Rukungiri Chief Magistrates Court on Thursday. Courtesy photo

A policeman leads Dr Besigye to court. Courtesy photo

Eyewitnesses said the deceased was shot by but police deny and claim he was hit by a stone.

They were transferred to Nagalama Police Station. They are facing charges of murder, holding unlawfully assembly and destruction to property.
On Monday, Dr Besigye and his co-accused instructed their lawyers to petition court to order police to release them immediately from illegal detention at Nagalama.
The petition was filed in Nakifuma Magistrate’s Court by lawyer and Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago.

Nagalama police commander Jessica Naawe and the officer in charge of CID, Mr Labu Chepcule, refused to sign the court summons asking them to appear before court to explain why they continued to detain Dr Besigye and his co-suspects without charge.

Police officer sorround Dr Besigye's car at the court. Photo by Edson Kinene

Mr Patrick Amuriat arrives at Rukungiri Court

Besigye's co-accused at Rukungiri court.

Another Dr Besigye co-accused who was allegedly tortured by police being led to court.

The suspects in Rukungiri court

Ms Sylvia Nvanungi, the Magistrate, proceeded to hear Dr Besigye’s petition and adjourned the case for a ruling today morning.

However, after about one and a half hours, two police vans emerged from Nagalama Police Station carrying the four FDC leaders before driving on Kayunga-Gayaza road.
The first vehicle carried Dr Besigye and Ms Turinawe whereas Dr Amuriat and Mr Tashobya were put in the second.

Ms Turinawe managed to wave through the windows of the vehicle to waiting supporters outside the station as the driver sped off at about 4:10pm.

At Kalagi roundabout, the two police vans led by a blue police van, which usually trails Dr Besigye, branched off to Mukono Road leaving the two other patrol vehicles heading towards Gayaza.
At this point, private vehicles, including that of Buhweju MP Francis Mwijukye were left guessing which direction to follow.

Upon reaching Seeta near Mukono, the police again branched to Namugongo where they joined the Northern Bypass and joined Masaka road at Busega roundabout.

Mr Lukwago told Daily Monitor yesterday evening that police acted in a way of rendering today’s court ruling “useless”.
“It is unfortunate that the police acted in an awkward manner by running away from reality. We know they took them to western Uganda so that the Nakifuma court fails to rule on our application on grounds that it has been overtaken by events,” Mr Lukwago said.
Mr Lukwago, however, said the legal team will still receive the judgement from Nakifuma Magistrate’s Court today.

Mr Mwijukye charged: “Police are acting in a criminal way. They are taking stupid decisions to move our people from place to place with no charges against them.”

Police spokesperson Asan Kasingye yesterday told Daily Monitor that Dr Besigye and his co-suspects were taken to Rukungiri where they allegedly committed the offences to appear in the court of right jurisdiction.
“We have taken them back to Rukungiri where they committed the offences because the only court that has jurisdiction to hear their case is in Rukungiri. So, they needed not to remain at Nagalama where they can’t appear in court,” said Mr Kasingye.
However, he did not say when Dr Besigye and his colleagues will appear in court or whether the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) had sanctioned the charges against the four since all prosecutors are currently on strike.
“What I know is that the charges have been sanctioned but I cannot confirm them now because I have just received the information,” Mr Kasingye said. Under the Constitution, criminal prosecution is a mandate of the DPP.
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