Sheikh faints in mosque

Believers carry Sheikh Mustafa Ahba who fainted while delivering a sermon. Photo by Julius Ocungi

Sheikh Mustafa Ahba of Mazid Mosque in Gulu town has fainted while leading prayers. He had been leading prayers during Eid-al-Adhuha at Gulu Public Primary School in Gulu Municipality.

After Sheikh Mustafa fainted, he was taken to the Jamiya Mosque, the regional headquarters of Acholi Muslim District for medical treatment and to recuperate.

Sheikh Mahmoud Khalid, the county kadhi took over the prayers.

Close friends say the Sheikh Ahba has epilepsy. But according to the Acholi Muslim District Khadi Sheikh Musa Khelil, Sheikh Mustafa had been fasting for the last 10 days in preparation for the Eid al-Adhuha prayers. He said Sheikh Mustafa had also been moving around and preaching at various mosques prior to today's prayers.

"He is the leader of Mazid Mosque in Gulu town. Today we thought of joining hands to pray together and give him the space to preach to the Muslim community as a show of solidarity but unfortunately he fainted," Sheikh Musa Khelil told Daily Monitor in an interview.