Gambian president brings back two Jammeh-era ministers

Eight ministries changed hands in the first major cabinet shakeup since President Adama Barrow took office in January 2017, beating Jammeh in a stunning election. AFP PHOTO

What you need to know:

  • Shortly after taking office, Barrow faced criticism over his decision to nominate 68-year-old Tambajang as his vice president.
  • The constitution barred presidential candidates over 65 from running for office -- with the same rules applying to the vice-president -- until a change last year.

Two of Gambian former strongman Yahya Jammeh's key ministers got back their former jobs in a sweeping reshuffle, the president's office said Saturday.

Eight ministries changed hands in the first major cabinet shakeup since President Adama Barrow took office in January 2017, beating Jammeh in a stunning election.

Jammeh's 22-year rule was marred by accusations of rampant corruption and human rights abuses.

The former ministers of finance and foreign affairs under Jammeh, Mam Bury Njie and Momodou Tangara, were both given back their former jobs.
The small west African country's vice-president, Fatoumata Jallow Tambajang, was replaced by ex-foreign minister Ousainou Darboe, who is also the leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) - the country's largest.

UDP won an absolute majority in parliament last year and beat its rivals in subsequent elections for local councils and mayors.
Shortly after taking office, Barrow faced criticism over his decision to nominate 68-year-old Tambajang as his vice president.

The constitution barred presidential candidates over 65 from running for office -- with the same rules applying to the vice-president -- until a change last year.