Sensitise Namugongo pilgrims on security

Uganda will this weekend be in the spotlight as Christians mark the Uganda Martyrs Day this Sunday (June 3). Thousands of pilgrims from around Uganda and abroad have already camped at both the Anglican and Catholic martyrs shrines in Namugongo in preparation for the day.

Many pilgrims are still making their way to the shrines. Therefore, the traffic guidelines that police have issued ought to be widely circulated to avoid accidents and inconveniences to everyone, especially residents of Namugongo area.

Celebrated annually by both Christians and Muslims, the Uganda Martyrs Day is an opportunity for the country to exploit faith-based tourism. The business community should also reap big from the millions of pilgrims.

Rather than leave a lot of the work of ensuring success of the day to the respective denominations, Uganda can benefit a lot more with more government involvement.

For instance, until yesterday, the organising committee of the Uganda Episcopal Conference, was yet to raise all the Shs720m it budgeted for. The area still has far less amenities as well as places of convenience yet every year, large numbers of pilgrims and the public visit the shrines. We must stop the culture of last minute preparations.

While the faithful focus on growing spiritually during this period, media reports have shown that Namugongo is turned into a worldly feat where many revellers taking to merry-making. With the rise of crime such as kidnaps and murders, vigilance in as far as personal and general security is concerned, will be key during the festivities.

According to the security guidelines issued by the police, security personnel have been deployed. Members of the public and pilgrims attending the functions should expect to be subjected to security checks. Public gatherings such as these often attract criminals.

Therefore, while security will be in place, those attending or living near Namugongo must take personal initiative to guard against unscrupulous individuals. Children are vulnerable hence potential defilers and kidnappers can easily target them, the reason they must be highly monitored.

This weekend is going to be a high risk environment for the pilgrims and public in and around Namugongo. Health precautions have already been put in place by the organisers. But given the huge numbers, there is bound to be a shortfall. People should be sensitised on security and health-related matters so as to keep safe.