New firm aiming to champion sports development in Uganda

Bates says BetLion are intent on changing the face of betting in Uganda

KAMPALA- The mention of betting in these parts often brings thoughts like a vice that is slowly but surely eating away a society crippled by high levels of unemployment and desperation in a young population.

Betting is time and again associated with wrongness, something that could well change if the newest company in the trade execute their mission.

BetLion are championing responsible betting and the development of sport in Uganda.
In an interview with their Group CEO Oliver Bates, the company is here for the long haul and wants to bring a new face to the passion.

“We do not want to lose a single soul,” he told Daily Monitor.
“We strongly believe that everyone can engage in our service and do it responsibly.”

Bates says one of the cores of their vision is to make sport better and key to doing that is enlightening people on how to do betting.

“Just because the majority of people drink beer doesn’t mean that everyone enjoys it irresponsibly,” he says.
“Fundamentally we are here to help people enjoy sport, we want customers here in the long term. We want customers to be engaged and to enjoy their sport with us.”

Key to that, says Bates, is the online portal where BetLion will operate.
“By not having the shops, we eliminate a lot of things that some people do not like - like the loitering. We welcome every customer from every demographic but there is intense monitoring of the activity. If we feel that perhaps he is betting what we feel is more than appropriate, we set out to meet and engage these individuals.

“We have cases where our boys have done that.”

Started this year, BetLion have already showcased their muscle by appearing on pitchside advertising hoardings in matches involving FC Barcelona at the Camp Nou and European champions Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernabeu.

The advert, creatively designed with the Ugandan flag, generated interest and amusement in sports circles and Bates explained the thinking behind it. “We have run these adverts for a period far longer than those games but it is funny that people only realised them because of the appearing in games involving FC Barcelona and Real Madrid.

“In previous weeks, we had Betlion Tujja on the pitches of Barcelona and Madrid.”
“One thing we have to deal with is trust because in this market, not being trusted can be a big problem. We wouldn’t be investing money and time in this country if we did not believe in the venture.”

He reiterates: “One of the ways to make this company strong and proudly Ugandan was by selling ourselves at two of the world’s biggest grounds because we believe in what we are doing and do feel that the business does connect with the millions of passionate football fans in the country.”

Bates noted that BetLion is exploring options of supporting and developing Ugandan sport. There has been unconfirmed speculation that the company is on the brink of investing in a Uganda Premier League club but Bates denied. Instead he observes that the issue is high among their priorities.

Proudly Ugandan
“From the highest level to the amateur level, it is important to be supporting sport. Sport is for millions of Ugandans to enjoy themselves. Sport is the global language and we want to get involved and support it. Talk is cheap, action is expensive but I do mean it when I say we want to get involved.”

When Daily Monitor visited their head office at Nakawa Business Park in Kampala it was apparent the company, whose managing director is Lionel Kabenge, is intent on employing Ugandans.
“All our offices are employing Ugandans because it is only fair that way. Who better to market a Ugandan company than Ugandans?” argues Bates.

“Who better to serve Ugandans than Uganda?”
BetLion’s strategy is to grow with the smartphone generation of Ugandans who are embracing the internet with every passing day.
“Do you see the majority of people who gamble in shops moving to online? Or do you see the majority of people online going to shops?

“For me I see the majority of people in shops going online.”
Bates says that BetLion’s long term dream is to change the perception of the industry.
“We do not want to lose a soul. Your reputation is a product of your actions. The UK has no stigma towards sports betting because it is regulated.

“We do have regulations here thankfully, and that gives us the confidence to invest and do business here.”
Uganda is the only country in Africa where BetLion is operating but the company has a plan for expansion.