Professional way to deep clean your toilet

What you need to know:

There are a number of cleaning products on the market. You can also make your own from home using organic cleaning agents such as citrus, vinegar and baking soda.

The major reason why your toilet still smells foul even after a thorough cleaning is because we often focus on the obvious parts and ignore its other intricate components. A toilet is made up of more components than just the bowl and cistern. To thoroughly clean your toilet you need to get acquainted with all its parts.


One of the least cleaned toilet components is the plumbing trap. Commonly known as the P-trap, this U-shaped sharp drop creates a gravity barrier that stops undesirable odours and gases from coming back up through the pipes.

To clean your P-trap, start by separating it from the pipe and then manually pull out anything visible. Using a flexible wire brush, wet it and push it through the pipe to remove anything that may be stuck inside. Clean the pipe until there is no more residue sticking to the brush and reconnect it.


 Nelson Katende, a plumber reveals that when not cleaned well, the tank can absorb the odour of sewage and emit it even when the toilet bowl is clean.

To clean your tank and get rid of the odour, remove the lid of your toilet tank and place it in a safe space on the floor, preferably on a towel since it is breakable.

Pour a generous amount of white vinegar inside the tank and let it sit for 12 hours. After the 12 hours, flush the toilet a few times to get the solution down the drain. Turn off the water valve and let the water drain from the tank.

Apply a cleaning solution to the inside of the tank and use your brush to scrub out grime, mildew or any mineral buildup. Be sure that the solution used is safe for toilet tanks as well as plastic and metal, to prevent any chemicals from affecting the piping.

Once the tank is clean, turn the water valve back on and flush the toilet a few times. Now you can put the tank back on and move on to surface cleaning.

Unless there is an emergency, you do not need to clean the inside of the tank more than twice a year, but if you want to be extra safe, you could do it every other month.    


Another toilet component, which if not properly cleaned will cause bad odour is the drain. Sometimes the drain might have a minor clog even if it is flushing normally. Even the most minor clog can cause your toilet to emit a nasty odour. To clean your drain, use a drain snake to unclog it, which will get rid of the nasty odours coming from inside it.

Toilet bowl

When cleaning the toilet bowl, it is important to work from the inside out, because there is a chance you may get water from the inside on the exterior, so you do not have want to go back and clean it twice.

Start by putting your solution into the toilet bowl and allowing it to soak for at least 10 minutes. Use a generous amount and apply some to the entire bowl, including under the rim.

Using a bristle toilet brush and start scrubbing around the interior. This is the best way to clean toilet stains, so be sure to continue to scrub until any grime or build-up has been cleaned up. Even if you cannot see any stains, just spend ample time scrubbing around the interior.  Once you feel you have done a good job scrubbing, flush the toilet a few times to get the solution to go down the drain.

Deep cleaning

Cleaning experts recommend giving your toilet a deep clean every two weeks as a way to eliminate germs, bacteria and other pathogens that would increase the risk of illness therefore, promoting better overall hygiene.

Additionally deep cleaning a toilet helps eliminate buildup of stains, dirt, mineral deposits, and grime. This is key in overcoming unpleasant odours as your bathroom is kept smelling fresh, preserving the appearance of the toilet bowl, fixtures and other components which prolongs their lifespan and reduces the need for repairs or replacements.

It also helps prevent clogs and plumbing issues by removing debris and buildup from the toilet bowl and drain pipes.

Materials needed

Wilson Mugabi a plumbing solutions dealer says when choosing materials for deep cleaning a toilet, one should choose and use products that are safe for the type of toilet material that they have in their homes such as porcelain or ceramics. Some of the materials for deep cleaning a toilet include a cleaning solution, a bristled brush and disinfectant, among others.

Wax seal

Nelson Katende, a plumber notes that some toilet components such as the wax seal will require professional servicing. 

A wax seal is a ring underneath the toilet that keeps it in place and blocks foul-smelling sewage gas from underneath.