Insecurity can ruin good relationship

What you need to know:

Abubaker Mayemba, 32, previously worked at The Observer as a features writer. He is currently working with an international humanitarian organisation. He is down to earth with a signature hearty smile. He had a chat with Charlotte Ninsiima.

If you had to change anything, what would it be?
Nothing. I enjoy my life the way it is. It is not rosy but I am okay with the life I am living because once in a while, I get opportunities that make me grow careerwise.

Have you ever got advances from a woman? How do you deal with them?
None that I recall. Maybe, I am too slow to notice.

Why is it that there are so many girls hustling lately?
I think more girls are hustling because they have been empowered. They are hustling because they do not want to depend on anyone. They want to pay their own bills, fuel their own cars, take their children to school and make their own choices. Incidentally, some men have abandoned their core responsibilities, leaving women to fend for their families.

Is there anything you cannot do in the name of love?
I can do anything for love. If there are things I cannot do for that special person, it ceases to be love. When I love, I am all in. Ready to face it all together.

Who is your best friend?
(Sighs) This is a hard one. Not because I don’t have friends but because it’s hard to choose from all my friends. I have 10 close friends. But if I must choose, Isaac Midas Imaka is takes the trophy. I dropped out of law school and Midas saw me through it all. He inspired me to sign up for journalism. I have many friends who make me feel younger and always have always had my back. My best friend is my mother. She is everything to me.

What do you do during leisure time?
Tyrion Lannister, in the Game of Thrones, says; a man needs books just like a sword needs whetstone. I love reading. Away from books, I love watching documentaries and listening to soul music. I also enjoy dancing when no one is watching.

What turns you off in a relationship?
Insecurity. A good relationship can crumble because one can’t trust their man or woman. Insecure people always convince themselves that their lover is not loyal to them. Insecure people are nagging.

Do you ever cook?
Yes, I do cook. But not so often. I usually cook to test my skills after watching “Learn How to Cook Videos on Youtube.

Three things you can’t do without?
I cannot do without food and my glasses. The other item I cannot do without is my phone. Who can do without one in this digital era, where connections mean opportunities? And lastly, my principles. Everyone ought to have them.