Partying while broke

Unfortunately for some of us, our wallets have never quite caught up with our needs. Courtesy photo

What you need to know:

  • On the day itself, make sure that you carpool with others. The more people you have, the less money you spend. Arrive in style and proceed to party. At the end of the event, everybody will thank you and insist that “Without you, this introduction, wedding, baby visit, etc would not have been possible.”

December is finally here! Oh thank the good Lord! Remember the 160 never-ending days of January? Brethren, the Lord has been merciful and here we are, celebrating the end of the year.

Unfortunately for some of us, our wallets have never quite caught up with our needs. Since we are a forgiving people, we will not point any accusing fingers at employers who last revised salaries during the colonial era.

And here December is, with every day being a party. Now, dear ones, here is a creative way to get in on the action without paralysing your finances and sending them into an indefinite coma.

Nowadays, most functions are organised on WhatsApp. This is good for you because it means you do not have to spend on precious fuel getting to town to meet and plan. The first agenda is usually introductions. The second is to present a budget and ask the members to contribute. When you get to this stage, please do not panic.

Step up and immediately offer to be the treasurer. This will score you many points with the group members as nobody ever wants to handle this work. Ok? Good.

Now that you are the treasurer, set deadlines for everyone to send their contribution. Work hard at this. Call each member and begin with a friendly chat, then ask for the contribution.

Post regular updates on how much you have collected. Your presence must be felt. No one will ever question how much you yourself have contributed.

When the target is finally met, celebrate alongside everyone else in the group, even though you probably only gave Shs3,000. It is also important to keep chiming in with helpful suggestions. Recommend service providers. Weigh in on important debates such as dress code. Just make sure that whatever you say does not require you to spend any money.

On the day itself, make sure that you carpool with others. The more people you have, the less money you spend. Arrive in style and proceed to party. At the end of the event, everybody will thank you and insist that “Without you, this introduction, wedding, baby visit, etc would not have been possible.”

Happy new month!