We never fight and we have each other’s back

Rhanzah Kasozi, 37, the town clerk of Kyotera Town Council and her elder sister Lindah Geraldine Namatovu, 39, a teacher and businesswoman. Photos by GERTRUDE MUTYABA

What you need to know:

  • Seeing her siblings in trouble. The happiness of her siblings gives her a peace of mind. So, she goes the extra mile to see that everyone is okay. She is a special gift to us.

TWO OF A KIND: Rhanzah Kasozi, 37, the town clerk of Kyotera Town Council and her elder sister Lindah Geraldine Namatovu, 39, a teacher and businesswoman are close, writes GERTRUDE MUTYABA.

Rhanzah Kasozi
How would you describe Lindah?
Lindah is my elder sister but when people meet us together, I am always mistaken for the elder one. She is slim and a size ‘zero’ girl who eats like a 10-year-old. She is never boring. She is the most responsible, determined, sensible, loyal, intelligent, unique, caring, kind-hearted but annoying. She is also loyal.

What is your earliest memory of her?
The day she was leaving for Dubai, I wept like a child and I will never forget it! I thought I would never see her again.

What was her nickname?
We always called her beautiful because she always looked beautiful to everyone.
What is she most scared of?

What is the craziest thing she did as a child?
She fought with our other sister because she never wanted anyone to annoy me. That was crazy!

What was the craziest thing you did together?
Haha……We used to go to our grandma’s garden and eat groundnuts. We even gave it a name “Kulayiniika”. Only the two of us knew about it.

Were you friends?
We were best friends if I can say.

How often did you fight?
We never fought at all. Now that we are older, our relationship has gotten stronger. I know that she always has my back as I go through challenges, just like I have hers.

Did you ever team up to fight someone?
I do not remember because we have always been good girls.

How often do you meet?
We hardly meet because she is out of the country. However, she comes for vacation at least once every year. And when she comes back, we start from where we stopped.

Lindah Namakula
How do you describe Rhanzah?
Rhanzah is not the greatest, funniest or even perfect to the world but to me, she is all that. She is someone I can trust, relate to and have a good laugh with. She is my role model, friend, and the best sister anyone could have. I do not even think anyone can understand how great our relationship is. We love each other with love that only a sister can give and understanding so great that no word can describe it. Rhanzah’s attitude is out of this world. She is kind-hearted, sweet and courteous. I admire and seek to achieve such qualities. I look up to her.

What is your earliest memory of her?
It is hard to remember but she was peaceful, kind and never cried out loud. You would just see her wet cheeks with no sobs. It is then that we would know she needed something especially food.

What was her nickname?
We used to call her Mirembe which suited her character and others called her Bata which was derived from her last name Nabatanzi.

What is she most scared of?
Seeing her siblings in trouble. The happiness of her siblings gives her peace of mind, so she goes the extra mile to see that everyone is okay. She is a special gift to us.

What is the craziest thing she did as a child?
What I can say! Rhanzah was not crazy. She was humble.

What was the craziest thing you did together?
Our voices sounded the same whether we were talking or singing. Also, many people would mistake one for the other, especially on phone. The callers would always get confused about who exactly they were talking to. When they mistook her for me, she would stay in character until the end of conversation and I did the same. We also did this to our parents.

Were you friends?
Of course.

How often did you fight?
No, we never fought like other siblings do or get on each other’s nerve. We have never stopped talking to each other.

Did you team up to fight someone?
No, we were brought up in a household where going physical was punishable. We learnt this at a young age. So we never ganged up to fight anyone.

How often do you meet?
We do not often meet because of the distance between us. However, because of the way we keep in touch, it is like we meet every day.

What is she most scared of?
Seeing her siblings in trouble. The happiness of her siblings gives her a peace of mind. So, she goes the extra mile to see that everyone is okay. She is a special gift to us.