13 children killed in Kenya school stampede

A woman reacts at the Kakamega Teaching and Referral Hospital following a stampede at Kakamega Primary School, which left 13 students dead, February 3, 2020. NATION MEDIA GROUP PHOTO

Thirteen pupils died while at least 39 were seriously wounded in a stampede at Kakamega Primary School on Monday.

Western Region Police Commander Peris Kimani confirmed the report, saying 20 were treated at the county's general and referral hospital and discharged.

Reports indicated that the students were running out of class at 5pm when the tragedy occurred.

It was said that some fell from the third floor of the building.

Responders including police and personnel from the Kenya Red Cross Society went to the school to offer emergency services.

Leaders and security chiefs were among those who went to the hospital after receiving reports of the incident.

They included Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, Lurambi member of Parliament Titus Khamala and County Commissioner Pauline Dola.

Governor Oparanya visited the patients in their wards but left without addressing the media.

County head of communication, Mr Dickson Rayori, said Mr Oparanya will address the media on Tuesday morning.

Via Twitter, Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga sent a condolence message in which he described the incident as "unfortunate and regrettable".

"I wish a quick recovery to the injured children and pray that God grant strength to the affected families," he said.

He added, "There must be an immediate and thorough probe to get to the bottom of this incident."