2021 polls: Besigye backs single Opposition candidate

Former Opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) presidential candidate, Dr Kizza Besigye, has backed a proposal of fronting a joint presidential candidate for 2021 General Election.

Democratic Party (DP) early this year mooted a proposal for the Opposition to field a single candidate for each elective position in a bid to unseat the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party. The proposal has since divided the Opposition.

Addressing the media yesterday in his end of year message at his home in Kasangati, Wakiso District, Dr Besigye, however, said they are currently in talks with different activists on how to go about the idea of fronting a single presidential candidate.

“I do not have any problem with the proposal of fronting a single candidate. We must have a unified candidate and we are already in talks on how to go about it,” Dr Besigye said.

Dr Besigye, however, said he was pessimistic about the current Electoral Commission (EC)’s capability to deliver a free and fair election, accusing it of “being dysfunctional and partisan”.

He cited last week’s Constitutional Court ruling that nullified the election of six MPs in Parliament on condition that they contested for elections in non-existent constituencies.

He blamed the EC for spending millions of taxpayers’ money to organise elections in non-existent constituencies, asserting that the public has already lost hope ahead of 2021.

“Even if we front a single candidate, do you think the current EC under Justice Simon Byabakama will announce that candidate you have fronted? I think we must first fight together to liberate our institutions that are pro-people before we think of the elections,” he said.

Contesting for 2021
On contesting for the presidency on FDC ticket, Dr Besigye said he is yet to make a formal decision, but was quick to add that FDC as a party will choose their flag bearer according to their regulations.

“The FDC flag bearer will be chosen in accordance with their regulations. In their regulations, they do not approach a candidate, but a person who wants to contest approaches them. On whether I will approach FDC to be their flag bearer, you should leave that to me to decide,” Dr Besigye responded.

He added: “But all I can say is that I am not going away. People have been telling me to go away and let others fight for me. I cannot abandon the struggle because we have to fight together. I will fight for the rights of Ugandans and myself. I am not going to give up on the fights.”

Update on ICC
Commenting on the progress of their petition to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to indict President Museveni, Dr Besigye revealed that they have already hit the target of collecting two million signatures from Ugandans.

“We have already raised the signatures and we are now collecting bonus and we might even double this number. We have also been able to collect all evidence and we are optimistic the International Community will help with this petition of Ugandans,” Dr Besigye said.

Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago is slated to address journalists next week on when they are officially filing the petition with ICC.

Besigye’s 2019 review
Giving a recap of 2019, the Opposition politician described the year as gloomy as a result of unrestricted power.

He observed that poor health has persisted, coupled with poverty, insecurity, murders and rampant floods that have claimed lives.

Dr Besigye also highlighted the unprecedented brutality against Makerere University students who were beaten and tortured by security agencies when they protested the 15 per cent tuition increment.

Besigye’s 2020 plans
Under his ‘People’s Government’, Dr Besigye said they will push on until they achieve a peaceful transition from the current NRM government. He said they are going to continue using non-violent means to achieve their rights.

“We had announced 2019 as our year of action, but our actions are going to double come 2020. We will ensure that we have a nation where there is equity with better social and economic services,” Dr Besigye asserted.