Court okays appointment of army officers in police

Brig Godfrey Golooba (L)heads Human Resource development while Col Jessy Kamunanwire is in charge of human resource administration

The High Court in Kampala has dismissed with costs a case in which a lawyer, Mr Male Mabirizi, was challenging the legality of the appointment of four senior Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) officers into police.

Mr Mabirizi had sued the Attorney General (AG) challenging the appointment of Brig Sam Bakasumba, Brig Godfrey Golooba, Col Jessy Kamunanwire and Col Sserunjogi Ddamulira by President Museveni.

The army officers were appointed to serve in the police as Chief of Joint Staff, Director Human Resource Development and Training, Director Human Resource Administration and Director Crime Intelligence, respectively and assigned a rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police.
Mr Mabirizi had asked the court to quash the appointments, arguing that it was illegal and procedurally improper since the two forces are distinct in recruitment, training and promotional procedures.

But High Court Judge Musa Ssekaana last Friday ruled that Mr Mabirizi failed to present evidence to show that President Museveni did not follow the clear procedure in appointing the officers.

He also overruled Mr Mabirizi’s arguments that the Local Defence Unit (LDU) is an armed force that was created but considering the name and duties given, it does not signify an armed force.

“I am forced to agree with the submission that LDU falls in the category of a reserve force and the law supports the recruitment as submitted. I, therefore, rule that the recruitment of Local Defence Unit personnel is lawful,” Justice Ssekaana said.

“On the recruitment of the personnel, the members of LDU are drawn from the general public without discrimination and thus in conformity with the laws of Uganda,” he added.

The court’s decision came on the day when the President presided over the passing of more than 6,000 LDU personnel who completed 16 weeks’ training at the Oliver Tambo Leadership Institute, Kaweweta in Nakaseke District.