Covid-19 death toll rises to 19 as Uganda registers 94 new cases

Uganda has registered 94 new cases of Covid-19, the highest number ever recorded so far in a day since its outbreak, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 1,750.

Worse still, three more Covid related deaths have also been registered pushing the death toll to 19, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

The three deaths are all residents of Kampala, two males aged 45 and 31 years and a 57-year old female. The trio passed on while admitted at different private hospitals where they had been admitted. They presented signs and symptoms consistent with Covid-19.

Of the new confirmed cases, 53 are alerts out which 51 are from Kampala while the other two are from Buvuma and Wakiso.

Thirty three are contacts to previous confirmed cases, of these, 21 are from Kampala, 6 from Nakaseke, 3 from Wakiso and 3 from Adjumani and Koboko.

Seven truck drivers and one returnee from Kenya have also tested positive for the virus.

A total of 1,194 have so far recovered from the virus.

The surge in the new cases especially from Kampala which has the highest (74), has got health experts restless as a number of people also seem to have put their guard down in the fight against the deadly virus.

The high level of complacency among citizens if not checked could force government to take drastic decisions, as some officials like transport minister Gen Katumba Wamala have warned in the past few days.

"In light of the spike in the new cases in Kampala Metropolitan Area, it is evident that the rate of community transmission is high. The public is advised to take personal responsibility to avoid contracting the virus. The earlier we change our attitude and behavior towards Covid-19, the better for our health and nation,” Dr Henry Mwebesa, the director general health services, said in a statement.