Kadaga wants people to follow House business via mobile App

Speaker Kadaga (L) interacts with Hon Justin Muturi, the Speaker of Kenya’s national assembly during the 25th Conference of the Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth in Ottawa, Canada. Courtesy photo

The Speaker of Parliament, Ms Rebecca Kadaga, has approved the development of a mobile application that will enable Ugandans follow plenary, committee proceedings and other activities of the House.

While attending the 25th conference of speakers and presiding officers of the Commonwealth in Ottawa, Canada, yesterday, Ms Kadaga said public input into the legislative processes in the House was still lacking.

“Where I am not yet satisfied is the public input into our legislation. I asked ICT people to prepare this App but its taking a long time. I hope during this third meeting, they will deliver because it is very essential that we able to reach out to the public on relevant discussion about the Bills in committees,” Ms Kadaga said.

The mobile application will give Ugandans opportunity to contribute to debate, submit topics and access parliamentary resources.

MPs have iPads which enables them to use the application and research on matters they intend to contribute on the Floor of the House.

During the conference, Ugandan Parliament was hailed for its transparency and openness in deliberation of issues that affect citizens.

“Uganda’s Parliament has done quite a lot in being open to the public with a live broadcast that has been done for more than 10 years, giving all Ugandans an opportunity to follow in real time, the goings-on in the House,” the conference convener commended Ms Kadaga.
Besides the live broadcast of the proceedings on Uganda Broadcasting Corporation, the House also runs the annual Parliament Week that allows the public to access parliamentary chambers, obtain necessary information and interact with MPs about the affairs of their constituencies.

Ms Kadaga said although the Parliament Commission established a radio station to promote transparency and public accountability, acquiring a frequency for it has been a big challenge.

“We already have the equipment, the studios but the Uganda Communications Commission has not helped us in securing frequency. This is hindering our desire to interact with the public through radio so that the country can follow what Parliament is doing,” she said.

Mr Nga Kor Ming, the Deputy Speaker House of Representatives of Malaysia, told his colleagues that their Parliament had just handed over leadership of the Public Accounts Committee to the opposition, a practice inspired by the Ugandan House.