Kyambogo starts degree centres for rural teachers

What you need to know:

  • Service. Prof Katunguka said Kyambogo University will only provide technical assistance in terms of coordination, teaching staff and materials at the PTC’s.

Kampala. All primary teachers seeking to advance their studies to a Bachelor’s degree in education will no longer have to come to Kampala as Kyambogo University has established study centres at nine Primary Teachers’ Colleges (PTCs) for the purpose across the country.
The programme benefits only those teachers seeking to acquire a Bachelor of Education in Primary Education or a Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education External degree. The programme kicks off this year.
While launching the programme at Jinja Primary Teachers’ College Wanyange at the weekend, Kyambogo Vice Chancellor, Prof Eli Katunguka, said the decision was triggered by demand by primary teachers to extend the Bachelor’s degree programme of primary education to upcountry centres.
Currently, all primary teachers, who have been seeking further education have been going to Kyambogo University during school holidays for three years until completion of the course.
Prof Katunguka explained that among other things, Kyambogo University will only provide technical assistance in terms of coordination, teaching staff and teaching material at the PTCs but all fees will be paid to the university account.
“One of our mandates as a university is to improve the country’s education by making it accessible to everyone. By opening these new centres, our teachers will acquire more skills especially in education management hence advancing their career,” he said.
Need for resources
However, Rev Anne Cherotwo Omona, the Principal of Wanyange PTC, noted that while the launch of the programme offers opportunities for primary teachers to advance their education, it requires more resources which still inadequate at the moment.
She asked Prof Katunguka to remit at least five per cent of the tuition fees, which the students at Wanyange PTC pay to Kyambogo University, back to the college to help in the construction of structures for accommodation.
“If the university gives us back five per cent of what our students pay, it will boost the system further. For now, we have registered at least 127 students who will enroll this year and we are still expecting more, but such an overwhelming number needs more resources,” she observed.
Prof Katunguka pledged to address the principal’s request to the university management for consideration. He said every learning centre will have their own budget depending on the number of students and needs.
The Jinja District education officer, Mr Paul Baliraine, underlined the importance of Bachelor’s degree in Primary Education, saying currently one cannot become a primary head-teacher or district education officer without a degree in education.
“We are grateful for this opportunity as Jinja District because there has been a very big gap as many of our teachers found it hard to go to Kampala to study during holidays. Now that the services have been brought closer, we are hopeful that many teachers will advance their studies,” he said.