Man accused of killing 78-year-old mother in Gulu

The deceased’s body was found on Monday morning, lying on the ground in the farm

Police in Gulu are holding a man who is suspected to have killed his 78-year-old mother.

Identified as Penina Labanya, the deceased was a resident of Akwii village, in Patiko Sub County in Gulu District.

It is alleged that the suspect followed his mother to the farmland where she had gone to harvest her Sim Sim, before “killing” her on Sunday evening.

The deceased’s body was found on Monday morning, lying on the ground in the farm.

Aswa police spokesperson Jimmy Patrick Okema confirmed the incident, noting that a case of murder was registered under CRB 1738/19 at Patiko Police Post.

"The deceased’s body has been taken to Gulu Regional Referral hospital for post-mortem, after which it will be handed over to the family for burial," Mr Okema told Daily Monitor.

“The suspect has recorded a statement with us and we are investigating the circumstances under which he killed his mother,” Mr Okema added.

The suspect had earlier on been arrested by police and taken to prison for smoking marijuana but was released on bail recently.

In October this year a husband killed a wife in Omoro District after he accused her of having multiple affairs.