Police ban night movement of livestock during festive season

Police have embarked on a community policing and crime prevention programme in the districts as a measure to reduce the crime rate during this festive season. FILE PHOTO

The Police in Butebo, Budaka and Kibuku districts have banned the movement of cattle during the night to curb theft of animals as festive season closes in.

The Kibuku District Police commander, SP Stephen Twinomugisha, said thieves normally load the stolen animals on vehicles at night.

“We have intensified both motorized and foot patrols on suspected routes [Tirinyi-Pallisa] that thieves normally escape to, with stolen animals and birds. People are supposed to move with their animals during day but accompanied with permits,” SP Twinomugisha said.

He also explained that police have embarked on a community policing and crime prevention programme in the district as a measure to reduce the crime rate during this festive season.

“Police have mounted snap checks in different crime-prone locations and we have arrested some people moving with livestock without any document to show ownership. We shall continue to carry out operations throughout the season,” he said.

Police also urged the people to be more security conscious, careful and vigilant, particularly when on the road and at home.

He said, “to ensure their safety and that of passengers, motorists should traffic rules, avoid using cellphones while driving, remove car keys from ignition when they are stationary, not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.”

The Budaka District Police commander, Wilson Salaam said that police will be in full force to ensure that people’s properties are not broken into. He, however, cautioned parents to keep watch of their children.

“A disturbing trend over the festive season is the number of children who go missing, it is advised that parents, guardians and caretakers know the whereabouts of their children at all times.”