Government to install CCTV cameras in national parks to curb poaching

President Museveni commissions the 10km electric fence in Rubirizi District on Thursday. PHOTO BY FELIX AINEBYOONA

What you need to know:

  • He said people have been facing challenges of wild animals invading their plantations, but with the introduction of the 4okm electric fence which is now under construction at Queen Elizabeth national park, that problem shall be solved as well as chasing away poachers.

President Museveni has said that his government will soon start installing CCTV cameras in national parks to curb the habit of poaching which has threatened the wildlife.

“We shall put cameras in gazetted areas so that we can see those who go hunting to steal the animals of government and put them on social media for everyone to see the people that want to cost us money we get from tourism,’’ President Museveni said on Thursday while addressing residents of Rubirizi District at Kyenzanza playground.

Mr Museveni said tourism earns the country 1.4b US dollars every year, but people living near the national parks keep entering the parks for hunting which hinders the development of the sector.

“We have been having issues with you wanting to go to the park to grow sweet potatoes and cassava, but we stopped you because we get 1.4b US dollars annually compared to 500M US dollars we correct from coffee. So now tourism is better than coffee three times,” Mr Museveni said.

Mr Museveni said Ugandans should stop their ignorance about national parks’ importance, but rather protect the gazetted areas for wildlife to increase the number of tourists from 1.4m per year to more than 23m tourists, to increase foreign exchange.

He said people have been facing challenges of wild animals invading their plantations, but with the introduction of the 4okm electric fence which is now under construction at Queen Elizabeth national park, that problem shall be solved as well as chasing away poachers.

“The most important thing that has brought me here is the electric fence. As I told you, tourists give us money after visiting the parks, and minister Ephraim Kamuntu will give the cheque of Shs3.5b to districts surrounding Queen Elizabeth National park so that you can also share on the money that comes from the national parks,’’ Mr Museveni said.