
Optimising Screen Time

What you need to know:

In our modern world, we can't do without screen time. We use it because we spend most of our day watching different screens. The advances in technology have made these screens possible, and they are everywhere today. They serve various purposes, from sending messages to each other to having fun alone at home by watching something on TV, a movie perhaps.

A lot has been said about what happens when you spend too much time in front of these screens and how bad they can be for both your mind and body. It is good that we know this, but what? Well, first things first, let's not ignore these problems any longer; instead, let's find ways to enable us to have healthier lives by using our phones less often or not watching so many movies and such.

One of the first steps in optimising screen time is to be mindful of how much time we spend in front of them, whether it be for work or apps to relax like sleep trackers, social media apps, or playing the latest casino games. Setting limits and tracking our usage can help us become more aware of our screen habits. Many smartphones now come equipped with features that permit users to keep track of their screen time and set app limits. By using these tools, we can take control of our screen time and make conscious decisions about when and how we use our devices.

Additionally, it is beneficial to interrupt the screen time interval for relaxation. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Eyes need a break; hence, the 20-20-20 rule is recommended: after every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This kind of practice can ease eye strain resulting from prolonged use of gadgets.

Moreover, too much screen time puts our physical health and mental wellness at risk. Being constantly on social media platforms or consuming digital content can cause anxiety, stress, or even depression. Therefore, we should establish limits and areas within our homes where screens are not allowed during certain hours of the day, such as meal times or before going to sleep at night.

It is possible to be more purposeful with them and avoid just spending hours scrolling aimlessly through various websites, for example, by prioritising what you use these gadgets for over long periods of time. This may involve reading articles related to your professional field online, watching educational videos available on platforms such as YouTube or having video calls with relatives who live in different geographical locations from oneself, among other things.

Furthermore, finding different ways of relaxing, which also fosters mindfulness, can reduce stress levels while increasing mental acuity. Activities like meditation, going out for walks, or even taking up creative pastimes like drawing and writing fall within this category.

In conclusion, striking an individual balance when it comes to screen usage lies at the heart of this matter. It demands awareness of our technological consumption patterns coupled with deliberate efforts geared towards self-care. Setting caps, choosing quality content rather than going after quantity alone, regularly stepping aside from the monitor, and involving oneself in activities not related to it are some practical steps towards achieving healthy screen habits that allow us to fully exploit what the digital world has in store for humanity without compromising on wellness.
