Are high heels bad for my health?

What you need to know:

Statistics show that high heels are one of the biggest factors leading to foot problems in women due to prolonged wear as Dr Vincent Karuhanga explains.

Dear doctor: I work in a bank and I wear high-heeled shoes everyday save for Sundays. I prefer wearing high-heeled shoes. Is there any problem with this?

Dear Atuhaire: Many who wear high heels are probably unaware of health dangers lurking behind their vertical or fashion enhancement. Human postural disturbance is probably one of the common causes of backache because the wearer is on tip toes when walking.
This also results in knee, neck and ankle pains. These pains, of course, are more significant with overweight, tall, pregnant, older, and those likely to walk more, especially on uneven or hilly ground.
The shape of toenails and toes is as important in the beauty of a woman as other body parts that a prying suitor is likely to land his eyes on the first time he meets a woman.

High-heeled shoes are known to help throw one’s weight towards the toes leading to the big toe nails cutting into the flesh on the side. These so-called ingrown toe nails apart from developing painful pus filled areas will cause the toes to look deformed.
Wearing high heels can be trendy and smart and may carry no health issues if done once in a while. For those who wear them every day seeking perpetual smartness even when this is likely to cause a downward slope in their health, this is the time to value your health first and smartness later.

Do you have to give up on heels?
No, but to avoid the problems that develop over time, experts recommend the following routines:
Choose sensible heels. Select shoes with low heels - an inch and a half or less - and a wide heel base; a slightly thicker heel will spread the load more evenly. Narrow, stiletto-type heels provide little support and three inch or higher heels may shorten the Achilles tendon.
Make sure your shoes are the right size so the foot doesn’t slide forward, putting even more pressure on the toes. Pick a shoe with a wide enough toe box to allow you to wiggle your toes.
Stretch.Take time every day to stretch your calf muscles and feet. With your weight on the balls of your feet and your heels extending off the edge, drop your heels down to stretch.
Alternate your shoe choice throughout the day or from one day to the next.