Sir Fact Zamani: I escaped to a show in Primary Seven

Artiste Elton Asiimwe aka Sir Fact Zamani. 

What you need to know:

  • Upclose. Asiimwe Elton, aka, Sir Fact Zamani is a performing and recording artiste from Kigezi, Southwestern Uganda.
  • The Akasingye nokeeha singer is also an influencer, a potential he nurtured through  the Covid-19 pandemic. He talks to Promise Twinamukye more about his music and life. 

How would you describe to someone who has never heard of you?
I am a content creator in Runyankitara mixed with English. I have recorded songs that have been atop charts in Uganda such as Twashuba Twanywa, Boona Nabaakuzi (remastered), and Akasingye Nokeeha.

Also, I am a famous TikTok personality under the moniker the Funny Mukiga guy because of the content that I started to create back in the Covid-19 days.

What kind of music do you do?

Why did you choose to sing in Rukiga?
Because there was a virgin market and space for Rukiga-Runyankore music. Most people were used to Luganda songs and the fact that I am not a Muganda, I could not execute Luganda so well. So, I settled for a language I knew best.

Have your aspirations changed from when you started out?
Every day, my goals get bigger. I am planning for my concert at Tales Gardens Bukoto in Kampala in February 2024. 
I also plan to have more country tours to expand my content.

Any earliest childhood memory?
As a child, my mother once found me dancing to music on a radio cassette player in her bedroom.
 I was just two years old and I operated the music system and played my favourite song by Kanda Bongo Man (whose title he has forgotten). I guess that explains my connection with music.

Are you a reader?
No, because I watch too much. I spend most of my time watching and listening.

Your first job was…

If you weren’t singing, what job would you do?
I am a professional visual designer. Whenever I am not singing, I am creating visual artwork for my clients.

What do you like about what you do?
I love the consistency and hard work I put into everything I do. I am a go-getter.

What do you dislike about what you do?
I hate it when my clients do not pay after I have delivered to them. It hurts so much.

Biggest regret in life…
I regret taking alcohol.

Who are your role models?
My mother because she has always supported me and she is my number one person on earth.

When was your first public performance?
In my Primary Seven vacation, I escaped from home to a nightclub for a talent competition. It was my first time to leave home that late and first time to enter a nightclub.

How did it feel?
It was very strange and exciting. I performed Traffic Man Officer by Gift of Kkado, and people showered me with money. 
Young as I was, I emerged the best performer that night. As soon as I left the stage, I found my mother and siblings waiting for me outside, it turned into a bad night (cannot disclose details but leaves us guessing).

Did you ever have stage fright? 
At first I would feel nervous getting on stage because I was always scared of the reaction from the audience that does not know me. 

As I grew older, I gained more confidence and that is the easiest thing for me.

Do you ever get emotional on stage? 
No, I never get emotional on stage because most of my music is street music. Also, I am always preaching real life.

Have  you ever felt  like taking a break from social media?
Yes, I always take breaks from social media only when I am sleeping. However, social media is my office and I work every day.

Ever feel that social media affected your mental health negatively?
No, my mental health is really okay.

How do you maintain a healthy mindset?
I always extend myself to positive people and I never let situations get the best of me.

If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
My mother because she is my mother.

Why did you do a cover of Boona Nabakuuzi?
I re-did Boona Nabakuuzi because I wanted the song to reach the new generation. 
I also wanted to give it more audio production quality and a video, since it never had visuals.

Advice to your listeners…
People ought to mind their business.

Two cents
What is your favourite meal?
Rabbit meat, rice and matooke.

What food can you cook best?
I can prepare chicken, rabbit, any red meat, matooke and rice.

What inspires your songs?
Real-life events.