SPICE Project Launches in Uganda

SPICE project members posing for a photo after the launch at Media Challenge Initiative premises in Kampala. PHOTO | PATRICK SSENTONGO

What you need to know:

  • Funded by the Team France Création Fund (FEF-Création) for Civil Society Organizations, the SPICE project targets civil society organizations (CSOs) within the CCI field.

The French Embassy announced the launch of the SPICE project, a groundbreaking initiative designed to transform the nation’s Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI).

The project, officially titled “Structuring, Professionalizing, and Increasing Competitiveness in Uganda’s Creative Industries,” aims to support and enhance the landscape for cultural entrepreneurs across various sectors.

Funded by the Team France Création Fund (FEF-Création) for Civil Society Organizations, the SPICE project targets civil society organizations (CSOs) within the CCI field.

The initiative focuses on developing the skills of young entrepreneurs to ensure the sustainability of their ventures, particularly in financial management and governance. This strategic effort seeks to promote innovation and African entrepreneurship, fostering a shared future between European and African youth.

Several notable partners have joined forces for the SPICE project, including Richard Musinguzi Studio, Kiasi Productions, Alliance Française de Kampala (AFK), Keepers VR Experience, Pearl Rhythm Foundation, Arudem Gaming, and E-sport.

These organizations will collaborate to create a synergistic value chain, contributing to the hybridization of sectors and the development of regional ecosystems. A key component of the project is the planned enhancement of mobility within Africa.

The primary beneficiaries of this initiative are cultural entrepreneurs, students nearing the completion of their training, young professionals, emerging and established artists, and indigenous communities in Uganda.

Each training project will select a cohort of young talents, ranging from 16 to 80 individuals, based on specific criteria set in consultation with project managers.

Ultimately, the wider Ugandan community and international consumers of Ugandan culture will benefit from improved creations and facilities, thanks to the enhanced capabilities of local professionals and the availability of state-of-the-art equipment.

The SPICE project represents a significant step towards fostering a vibrant and competitive creative sector in Uganda, paving the way for sustainable growth and international collaboration.