The much-anticipated animated series Uli and Tata’s African Nursery Rhymes, produced by the Nairobi-based animation studio Pungulu Pa Productions premiered on YouTube on October 25, 2024.
The animated series follows the extraordinary adventures of two Kenyan siblings as they embark on a magical journey across Africa, discovering the continent’s rich cultural and natural heritage through song and storytelling.
Set in Nairobi, Uli and Tata’s African Nursery Rhymes starts when two siblings, Uli and Tata, chance upon magical traditional instruments in their home.
Their discovery summons an ancient giant turaco bird from Kenya’s last rainforest and together, they set off across the continent.
“Created amidst the challenges of Covid lockdowns, Uli and Tata emerged from a heartfelt desire – as new parents – to fill the glaring void of African children’s content. This scarcity deprives African children of media that reflects their experiences and heritage,” says Chief Nyamweya, the creative director.
Each episode takes Uli, Tata and their mystical guide Tuki, on a new adventure across Africa, exploring unique regions and cultures. From the lush Kakamega rainforest, where they summon rain, to the Chalbi desert, where they learn the value of water conservation with the Gabbra community. Each episode bring a rich cultural experience. In the North Rift Valley, Tata overcomes his fear of bees with the help of Rift Valley’s Ogiek beekeepers, while in Lamu, the siblings immerse themselves in Swahili traditions.
Along the way, they meet mischievous monkeys in Kilifi’s Arabuko Sokoke Forest and learn important life lessons from the people they encounter, including foraging for honey with the Hadzabe people of Eyasi Valley, and tales of leadership from Syokimau in Machakos. Each episode is a celebration of African stories, music, and wisdom, making the series both entertaining and educative for young viewers.
“We wanted to create content that resonates with African children and celebrates the stories and songs that have been passed down through generations. Uli and Tata’s African Nursery Rhymes is a testament to the beauty and richness of Africa, and we are excited to share these stories with the world,” said Manu Akatusa, the executive producer.
Uli and Tata’s African Nursery Rhymes is proudly produced in Kenya, with the vast majority of the animation work completed by talented Kenyan animators.
Pungulu Pa Productions is dedicated to creating children’s content that celebrates Africa’s cultural and natural heritage through entertaining, educational storytelling. Uli and Tata’s African Nursery Rhymes is the studio’s flagship series.
This homegrown series not only showcases Africa’s heritage, but also highlights the incredible skills of Kenya’s burgeoning creative industry.
According to the producer, Sarah Mallia, “The creative economy is a catalyst for job creation and industry growth that turns imagination into opportunities. By nurturing talent, we shape a future, where culture drives both economic and social transformation.”
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