Kayima spends Shs100,000 on his hair every week 

Coloured hair. Shafik Kayima

What you need to know:

  • Coloured hair. Shafik Kayima is a presenter of Koona ne Spark on Spark TV. It is on rare occasions that you will see him with the same haircut even tint. We sit him down to learn more about his hairstyle and colour, writes Isaac Ssejjombwe. 

When did you start changing your hairstyle?
Around 2016, when I started doing different hairstyles but at the time I used to maintain it in black colour.

When then did you start changing it?
I started changing it two years later. 2018 to be precise. 

What inspires the different haircuts and colours?
I always have a different design because every time I go to the saloon, we come up something new with my barber. We always want to try out new things. There are even those designs we do just to see how it comes out. Sometimes my barber tells me people come to his salon to have haircuts like mine. I inspire a lot of people. 

It is difficult to maintain the same color over a certain period of time. How do you manage?
I always visit the saloon at least once a week and every time I go over there the color is restored.

Sometimes you have a heart, other times an arrow, why do you change them?
We change to different designs because I feel I shouldn’t have the same design year in and year out. It even keeps some good attention on me. Some people just switch on their TV sets just to see what kind of design I have that week.

How long do you keep your hair before changing it?
Sometimes it doesn’t stay for long because I go to the saloon every week but if a hairstyle was liked by many, especially on social media, then we do it again for the second week. But some just last a week and that is it.

How much do you spend on your hair every time you visit the salon?
My haircut is Shs100,000 for the design, color, and haircut altogether.

Among the styles you have done, which is your best and why?
I have had quite several styles that I can’t recall all very well. There are very many great styles I have done and some have been disliked by people and even some abuse me for what I do to my hair but that doesn’t stop me because I do what I want and what makes me happy.