Importance of etiquette and respect

What you need to know:

Navigating sensitive topics such as politics, religion, or health matters requires tact and sensitivity

Recently, I attended the funeral of a former classmate upcountry, where the initial sparse attendance at the homestead left us surprised. This family had been rooted in the community for more than five decades, and the deceased’s father had served as a respected head teacher at the local primary school.

However, as the time for the service drew near, a larger crowd gathered. Yet, once the service concluded, attendees swiftly dispersed, ignoring calls to partake in the prepared meal and refreshments. It was later revealed that the deceased’s mother had a habit of refusing such offerings, citing hygiene concerns; a decision that inadvertently affected the communal experience of mourning.

This experience serves as a poignant reminder of how our actions, however well-intentioned, can impact others during sensitive times and the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding local customs when participating in communal events such as funerals. In such situations, it is crucial to navigate personal preferences with discretion, ensuring that one’s actions do not overshadow the solemnity of the occasion or cause discomfort to others.


Another aspect of social etiquette that warrants attention is punctuality. In many cultures, being punctual is a sign of respect for others’ time and commitments. Chronic lateness can be perceived as disrespectful and can strain interpersonal relationships. Understanding the underlying reasons for being late, such as unforeseen circumstances or poor time management, is important.

Planning and allowing extra time for potential delays, whether due to traffic or other factors, demonstrates consideration and helps maintain harmonious interactions. Furthermore, arriving quietly and integrating into proceedings without drawing undue attention to oneself is essential when tardiness cannot be avoided. It shows respect for the event and its participants, allowing the focus to remain on the purpose at hand rather than on the late arrival.


Effective communication plays a pivotal role in social interactions. Promptly returning missed calls and managing phone conversations discreetly are fundamental aspects of courteous behaviour.

Prioritising face-to-face interactions and giving full attention to those present before attending to phone calls or messages reflects attentiveness and respect.

Additionally, expressing gratitude through thank-you notes or messages when receiving compliments, gifts, or monetary contributions is a gesture of appreciation and thoughtfulness. It acknowledges the kindness of others and reinforces positive social connections.


Responding promptly to invitations, often indicated by the French acronym RSVP, meaning “Répondez s’il vous plait,” is essential for event planning and organisation. It communicates respect for the host’s efforts and helps ensure that adequate arrangements can be made. When responding, it is courteous to inquire about the possibility of bringing additional guests or children, respecting the host’s preferences and the event’s logistics.

At social gatherings, refraining from imposing personal dietary preferences or restrictions on others unless specifically asked for input is considered polite. Avoiding commentary on food choices or restrictions unless directly relevant or requested maintains a respectful atmosphere and allows guests to enjoy the occasion without discomfort.

Returning borrowed items

The practice of borrowing items and promptly returning them underscores reliability and trustworthiness in interpersonal relationships. Failing to return borrowed items promptly can create misunderstandings and strain relationships, potentially leading to negative perceptions. Being mindful of returning items in the same condition or better than received demonstrates respect for others’ belongings and cultivates a positive reputation for reliability.

Avoid controversial topics

Navigating sensitive topics such as politics, religion, personal finances, or health matters requires tact and sensitivity. Engaging in discussions about such topics, particularly with individuals who may hold differing perspectives or beliefs, necessitates a respectful approach. Being aware of the social context and the preferences of those present helps prevent potential conflicts and maintains a harmonious atmosphere.

Every interaction presents an opportunity to learn and grow in understanding oneself and others. By practising mindfulness, empathy, and respect in our interactions, we contribute to fostering positive relationships and enhancing social harmony. Reflecting on our behaviours and their impacts allows us to refine our social skills and cultivate a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity and communal customs.

Etiquette is not merely a set of rules but a reflection of our consideration for others and our commitment to mutual respect.

By embracing these principles in our daily interactions, we contribute to creating a more inclusive and empathetic society, where each individual’s dignity and preferences are valued.