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If you missed the Paris Olympics opening, congratulations!

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A fan cheers on as he watches the Paris 2024 opening ceremony.  PHOTOs/

On Friday July 26, the day that the Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony took place, I was lucky to miss it. I was hanging out with my usual gang at a nifty little pub in Lweza. This little pub is something else. In between the drinks, they serve these complimentary coffee shots to the drunkards in a secret bid to keep them from going over the cliff with too much drink. That way, they are able to keep spending till morning.

Anyway, so we were at this pub and the ceremony started. We were casually watching the ceremony but somehow, the country of Trinidad and Tobago came up randomly. One gentleman claimed he would love to visit the two islands that make up this two-in-one country.  Mboozi za malwa.

As we jazzed, a grey-haired gentleman who was seated in the next seat, turned and told us, in a very non-Ugandan accent, that he was indeed from the country of Trinidad and Tobago. What a coincidence! We forgot about the Olympics (because we are the type) and just engaged the gentleman, asking curious questions and getting to know the man.

He has lived in Uganda for months now because he is on a two-year paid sick leave. He is an aircraft mechanic based in Canada. He loves Uganda and this is not his first time here. But Ugandan women are too thirsty for money.

Uganda reminds him of home because the food is almost the same. He spends his free time helping out a friend, who runs a band in Kampala, and it is playing in the hotel gardens, not far away from the pub. The conversation goes on for hours, probably because of all the Niles that keep flowing. 

During that time, the most hideous Olympics opening ceremony has rolled on and on, saving us all the trouble we would have gone through watching it. We call it a night at around 2am and go home.

I wake up the next day to #boycottParisOlympics on Twitter. A few minutes of checking out the tweets and I come off with a great feeling of relief for not having watched it.

Kickboxing star, Andrew Tate aka Cobra Tate, who also happens to be one of the most googled people on earth today, is one of the many stars trending for tweeting endlessly about the strange, unentertaining opening ceremony. One of the tweets reads thus:

“I do not watch the Olympics, but a bunch of GAY SATANIC garbage just appeared on my desk. I am not surprised that France has gone full gay-pedo, the West is finished. There are men with beards, wearing dresses and lingerie, balls hanging out, twerking next to children. Sometimes I genuinely wonder. WHO THE F**K THINKS THIS IS NORMAL???

Drag Queens are the new national symbol of France? Gays and crime? The Australian and Argentine teams got all their property stolen out of their vans by migrants. ROBBED. This is the West now. Gay and Dangerous. France used to be about luxury, innovation, military prowess. England’s and Europe’s #1 mortal enemy at one point. Now they are just the gay butt buddies…,” Tate writes.

The ceremony featured a parody of Jesus’ Last Supper by replacing Jesus and his disciples with drag queens (men in extreme make-up, dressed as women) and skimpily-dressed dancers, in the same arrangement as is seen in Leonardo da Vinci’s famous representation.

In the centre was a women with a halo on her head, subtly communicating her divinity. It seems, to many, that the ceremony is putting sexual pervasion in the place Christ, a continuation of the liberal progressive propaganda that has been raging on over the last ten years or so.

Just like the Last Supper painting, there is a representation of food on the table; a giant covered fruit platter that reveals a naked man, balls hanging out and all, upon its opening. While this can be looked at as innocent artistic expression by some, anyone who knows anything about subliminal programing knows there is probably something else going on between the lines.

Oh, there is a scene that depicts death riding a pale horse, a clear dramatization of Revelations 6:8. Revelations is a book in the Bible that talks about the evil that befalls the world in the last days.

My point is, there was a motive behind all this strange performance and it was not entertainment. At least not primarily.

For comparison, just pick one example from any past Olympics opening ceremonies. Remember the 2,008 drummers at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing? It was an awe-inspiring performance that looked and sound absolutely epic, spellbinding and entertaining. Most importantly, it showcased competence, extreme teamwork and class. Nothing about the Paris opening was anything close to any of the above.

Like they say, the point of the system is what it does, and the Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony replaced God with sexual pervasion. It was not artistic expression, it was subliminal programing.  Don’t take my word for it, go watch it again, but take a step back and really pay attention. Anyone who missed it ought to be congratulated.