Naro develops foot and mouth vaccine  

Hajjat Sophia Nalue (right) the chairperson of Equal Opportunities Commission listens as Naro agronomists explain how they developed the vaccine. Photo/Lominda Afedraru

What you need to know:

  • Foot and mouth disease (FMD) infects a variety of cloven-hoofed animals, including cattle, sheep, goats and all wild ruminants with high morbidity in adult animals. High mortality can occur in young animals due to myocarditis disease which weakens the heart.

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most devastating animal diseases threatening the livestock industry around the world, including Uganda.

FMD is caused by foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV), an RNA virus in the Picornaviridae viral family from which seven different serotypes have been described, namely A, O, C, Asia 1, SAT 1, SAT 2, and SAT 3.

In Uganda, the disease has been a challenge to livestock farmers across the country, leading them to make an outcry to veterinary scientists to come up with a vaccine which can help reduce the disease burden.

As such scientists at the National Livestock Resources Research Institute (NaLRRI) in Nakyesasa have joined efforts of other ongoing vaccine research initiatives in a bid to come up with locally made vaccine to help solve the challenge of the disease.

In terms of genetic diversity, recent reports demonstrate the presence of at least five out of the seven serotypes A, O, SAT 1, SAT 2, and SAT 3 and multiple species affecting livestock across the country.

NaLRRI FMD vaccine research 
The head of vaccine research at NaLRRI Dr Moses Ddikusooka explained to a team of stakeholders from Equal Opportunity Commission who had visited the institute on a fact-finding tour that his team had developed anti tick vaccine.

He said FMD virus infects a variety of cloven-hoofed animals, including cattle, sheep, goats and all wild ruminants with high morbidity in adult animals. High mortality can occur in young animals due to myocarditis disease which weakens the heart.

Dr Ddikusooka and team started the research work in 2018 after livestock farmers across the country reported the disease burden as becoming rampant and killing their animals.

Research process
Dr Ddikusooka said, most FMDV vaccines are imported from South Africa and Botswana which in most cases fails to work out for the farmers because the strains in those countries are different. His team went out in the field and picked virus samples from infected animals in different farms. The strains include O, A, SAT 1 and SAT 2.

The viruses are left to grow in the laboratory for a period of four months as they are fed on sero culture. Later various strains are transformed into a vaccine but the virus status is maintained as it was in the field.

The process is repeated over and over to ensure what is developed is effective. They are in the process of obtaining permission from the regulatory authorities to test what they have so far come up with. Thereafter it will be rolled out to farmers after testing its efficacy.

However the team apparently is lacking a facility to develop and produce FMD vaccine and the scientist are calling upon the government to provide funds to develop the facility. 

Apparently they have a facility and equipment to develop and produce anti tick vaccine but not for FMD. Once the FMDV vaccine is readily available to farmers, it will be of advantage because Ugandan livestock farmers will access international market for their beef and milk. 

Dr Ddikusooka said Uganda loses Shs500b annually at household level as a result of FMDV.

The records by Ministry of Agriculture indicate that a total of 22,690 FMD cases were reported in Uganda between 2010 and 2021 with an average and median of 179 and 34 outbreaks per year respectively. In this period, FMD was reported at least once in 58 districts out of the 136 districts in the country.

Current preventive measures
It is important for farmers to use strict biosecurity measures for animals, animal products, vehicles, people and equipment.

Restrict or stop all animal movement to prevent entry or spread of the disease and observe, detect and report any disease or unusual signs to the herd veterinarian as quickly as possible.

Limit access to your farm
The entrance to the farm is a major control point. It is advised that only one gated entrance to the animal areas on the farm to better control and monitor all visitors and vehicles arriving at your farm.

Keep the gate locked when not in use and stop all movement of animals on and off your farm. Traffic on or off your farm should be closely monitored and recorded and maintain a log sheet to record all visitors and vehicles that enter your farm. 

All visitors should be accompanied by someone from the farm at all times. Record keeping will help with disease surveillance and tracking should it become necessary.

Limit employees to only those necessary for the continued operation of the farm. Minimize contact with animals to only tasks necessary for the continued operation of the farm and health and well-being of the animals.

Implement strict biosecurity measures for employees coming onto the farm and provide clean boots, hats and coveralls to wear on the farm. These items should remain on your farm when the person leaves and be washed and disinfected before they are used again.

All footwear should be disinfected before entering and after leaving any animal housing area.

Hands must be washed with soap and warm water before entering and after leaving an animal housing area.

Do not allow contact of your animals with neighbour’s livestock and move animals out of pastures or lots where they have contact with neighboring animals. Provide as much distance between your animals and neighbouring animals as possible and consider double fencing the perimeters to minimize nose-to-nose contact and provide fresh drinking water in tanks.  

Prevent contact with free roaming wildlife animals and cats plus dogs. It is important to keep pets in a kennel or tied securely to avoid contact with livestock and feed areas.