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New crop varieties, innovations showcased at agricultural show

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A Naro agronomist (left) explains how to mulch vegetables during the National Agricultural Education Show which ends this afternoon. Photo/Courtesy 

The Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFF) has revealed that this year’s National Agriculture Education exhibition is focussing on innovation and technology.

Speaking at the launch of the third National Agriculture Education Show (NAES) 2024 at UNFF offices in Kampala, UNFF Director of Policy Caleb Gumisiriza said that they are giving young farmers a platform to showcase what they are doing at different levels of agriculture value chains.
“Looking at the past two years students have shown interest in innovation at the middle part of the value chain although there are others who are into the first segment of production and they need support,”he said.

Innovations in farming 
Mr Gumisiriza added that students are coming up with unique innovations but most of them seem to be in the second segment of adding value, packaging and using machinery for the final product.

The deputy chief executive officer of UNFF Perez Kawumi said that the currently young generation has shunned agriculture yet it contributes a lot to the country’s economy.
“At this time majority of the youth want quick money and when they look at the agriculture sector they think it takes long to get the money they want, yet agriculture exhibitions show case different internodes with in the value chain where youth can tap in and get money,” he said.

“Through showcasing what youth can do it helps to get more numbers on board after seeing what others are doing to earn a living,” he said.
Mr Kawumi said they expect new technologies in entire value chain of poultry from hatching the eggs to raising of the chicks which is very important in our sector.
“We expect agro-machinery of different kinds those who are in that segment especially for large scale farming,” he said.
He added that within value chain different technologies have been exhibited by the young generation and this has helped those who are on new lower curriculum to get ideas of projects.
Nelson Tukundane UNFF Communication Officer said that since Agriculture is the back born of Uganda’s economy but in school agriculture is treated as optional subject which we think should be resolved completely.

“Going by what we have realised in the past two exhibitions, we suggest that agriculture subject should be made a compulsory subject so that we equip these young people at an early stage to embrace  the sector  but also start identifying  the different opportunities along the sector,” he said.
Tukundane said since the curriculum has been revised looking at operationalisation system, agriculture should be the main component for the students.

“When we talk about competence based we need to demonstrate to the young people so that they get equipped not only for school but for their future purpose,” he said.
“We decided to create a new product that addresses the needs and create opportunities for the youth to identify descent gainful employment opportunities along the different agriculture value chains,” said Tukundane.

According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics Report 2020, more than 75 percent of the population are below the age of 30 years with unique challenges ranging from poverty and that’s why we put more emphasis on youth.
This year’s show under the theme; Young Innovations, Transforming Agriculture for National Prosperity, is organised in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries together with the Ministry of Education and Sports.

Benefits of the agriculture show 
The show also helps young people to learn, debate, develop partnerships, mentor and be mentored. 
The ultimate goal of the National Agricultural Education Show is to contribute to a critical mass of young people fully motivated, knowledgeable, and skilled to take up the vast gainful opportunities in the agriculture sector of Uganda. 
The NAES also enlighten students and other stakeholders in the other education sector on the contemporary trends and emerging trends in the Agricultural sector and career advancement.

About the show
The Show also helps young people to learn, debate, develop partnerships, mentor and be mentored. The ultimate goal of the National Agricultural Education Show is to contribute to a critical mass of young people fully motivated, knowledgeable, and skilled to take up the vast gainful opportunities in the agriculture sector of Uganda. The NAES also enlighten students and other stakeholders in the other education sector on the contemporary trends and emerging trends in the Agricultural sector and career advancement.