Grow house plants that purify air

What you need to know:

  • Next time you buy a houseplant, go in for beauty with a purpose by buying plants that not only look beautiful, but also contribute to cleaning the air that we breathe, by purifying it. Here are a few common air-purifying plants and how to care for them.

Houseplants have become an integral part of interior décor as they make our living spaces come alive by bringing nature’s outdoor beauty indoors. Next time you buy a houseplant, go in for beauty with a purpose by buying plants that not only look beautiful, but also contribute to cleaning the air that we breathe, by purifying it. Here are a few common air-purifying plants and how to care for them.

Snake plant

The snake plant also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue,” is a succulent with green sword-like leaves. Scientists have found that this plant can remove harmful pollutants in the air such as formaldehyde, xylene and trichloroethylene (produced from industrial emissions, paints and fuel combustion.)

Unlike most plants that give off carbondioxide at night, the snake plant produces oxygen both day and night, making it the perfect houseplant to keep in your bedroom. Snake plants are easy to maintain and can tolerate low levels of light. Care should be taken not to over-water them however, as their roots tend to rot in soils that are too moist.

Peace lily

This plant has lush dark-green leaves and beautiful white flowers. Peace lilies can remove chemical substances commonly found in paint and building materials that pollute the air and have been linked to adverse health effects. This plant does well in bright, indirect light and soils that are consistently moist. Peace lilies should be placed out of the reach of children and pets however, as they are poisonous.

Spider plant

This plant has long, narrow green leaves with a white strip in middle. Spider plants look beautiful in hanging baskets, as their leaves cascade over the edges of their pots as they grow. The spider plant is one of the most effective plants at removing formaldehyde from the air. They need plenty of bright, indirect light and should be watered occasionally.