How to care for your non-stick cookware

Non-stick cookware. PHOTO/FILE

What you need to know:

  • Heating empty, wet, non-stick pans in order to dry them before cooking, destroys the coating and may cause pans to warp.

The coating on non-stick pans makes cooking easy and hassle-free; it prevents food from sticking to the pan during cooking and enables it to slide off easily. 

These pans also require very little oil for cooking, making meals healthier. If you are weary of using non-stick cookware, however, because the coating often comes off, leaving behind metal patches that cause food to stick to the pan and burn, you are probably not handling your non-stick pans correctly. 

These tips will help you care for and maintain non-stick cookware, so that it lasts for years.

Do not heat an empty pan
Heating empty, wet, non-stick pans in order to dry them before cooking, destroys the coating and may cause pans to warp. Protect your pans by wiping them dry and putting oil, water or food in them before turning on the burner.  

Use the right utensils 
When cooking, use wooden or heat-resistant rubber, plastic or silicone spatulas, spoons and whisks. Never use metal or sharp utensils, as these will scratch and damage the non-stick coating on your cookware.

Avoid high temperatures 

Using low to medium heat when cooking, will make your pans last longer, as high temperatures damage the non-stick coating over time. 

Avoid abrasive cleaners

Never use steel wool, scouring pads and other abrasive cleaners as these can remove the coating on non-stick cookware. It is best to stick to soft cloth and sponges.

How to clean 
If the pan is just greasy, wash normally with soap and hot water, using a sponge or a soft cloth and rinse and wipe dry, before storing. 

If food has stuck to the pan, do not be tempted to scrap it off, as the food may come off with the coating.

Instead, pour in hot, soapy water and leave it in the pan until the food can be easily dislodged, before washing and rinsing as usual. For hard to clean pans, cover the area to be cleaned with a paste made from mixing baking soda with a few of drops of water. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, before wiping clean with a sponge or soft cloth.

Do not stack non-stick pans together when storing them, to avoid scratches that get worse with time.

Do not store food in them
After cooking, store any leftovers in containers designed to store food in the fridge and not in the pan, as this can cause additional wear and tear to the non-stick finish. 
Also, resist the temptation of cutting and serving food from the pan, as knives can damage the coating.

Avoid cooking sprays
Non-stick cooking sprays leave behind a residue that with time become difficult to remove. Use butter or oil instead.


Never use steel wool, scouring pads and other abrasive cleaners as these can remove the coating on non-stick cookware. It is best to stick to soft cloth and sponges.If food has stuck to the pan, do not be tempted to scrap it off.