Life as a male model

John Iwueke is a model and a second year student of Petroleum Engineering. Photo by Abubaker Lubowa.

What you need to know:

Your knight. John Iwueke, 21, is a freelance male model also attached to Joram Model Management agency. He describes himself as a social person who loves meeting people and watching soccer. The second year student at International University of East and Central Africa spoke to Lydia Ainomugisha about life as a male model.

When did you join modelling?
I joined in mid-2012 after undergoing training with Christ models for one month. Then, I had just come to Uganda from Nigeria.

Are you Ugandan?
I am half Ugandan and half Nigerian. My mother is a Ugandan from Ishaka Town Council; Bushenyi District.

Why did you choose modelling?
I am a person who loves to be noticed and modelling gives me all the attention desire.
Besides I have the body, height and other things that qualify one to be a model

Do you think you are handsome?
Looks in modelling are just a plus otherwise modelling is more about the height, confidence on the runway and body.

That still leaves the question unanswered; do you think you are handsome?
(Smiles shyly) Yes, I look appealing.

Do you proudly describe yourself as a model in public?
No, I always introduce myself as a student because in Uganda, modelling is not taken seriously.

Does that mean you are not proud of what you do?
I am but people may not understand what I am doing so to save myself from more questions, I just don’t mention it at all.

Which clothes aren’t you comfortable modelling?
None, I am comfortable modelling all clothes and never feel shy about anything. A good model should be ready to model everything.

Apart from modelling, what else do you do?
I’m second year student at International University of East and Central Africa in Kansanga.

What course are you doing?
(Hesitant) I don’t like to mention my course because it’s not in line with what I do but anyway, I am studying petroleum engineering.

So what are your future plans?
When I grow up I want to make a fitness centre and become a fitness model who trains other models.

And your petroleum course? Aren’t you passionate about it?
I love my course but I am more passionate about modelling. I intend to do work in respect to my course for a maximum of five years and then go back to modelling.

Are you modelling for the money? Do you make loads of money from it?
I am partly there for the money but more importantly because I am passionate about modelling.
It does not pay much but personally, I only take up deals that pay more than Shs150,000 and those are not very common.

How do you survive because I’m told modelling doesn’t pay too well?
I’m a grown up man. Since I am still a student my mother supports me and I also have some things back in Nigeria from which I get money.

What is your parents view on you modeling?
They are okay with it but emphasise education. Just like any African parent, they believe education is the only way one can make it in life.

Do you think they are right about education being the only way?
Not really because there are people who have made it without necessarily following their career paths.

How do you manage to keep in shape?
I have a gym at home and exercise five times a week.

What has been your most embarrassing moment on stage?
None because when I am on the runway, I give my fans what they want to see.
When it’s a glamour show I smile and when modelling office wear I don’t smile. I just endeavour to study the audience and do what pleases them.

What advice can you give to fellow models in Uganda?
They should look further than Uganda and East Africa if they want to get further and reap big from modelling.

What can’t you do without?
My phone because it’s through which I get calls for deals and talk to my mum.

So, you are a mummy’s boy?
I just love my mum so much and can’t do without her. I have been with her ever since I was born.

Quick hits

What is the greatest mistake you have made in life so far?
Women. I got some money when I was still young and made a few mistakes regarding women that I wouldn’t be proud to expose but that phase in my life ended and I won’t make a similar mistake again.

Do you mind sharing so that other young men don’t fall victims too?
No, I prefer to keep this to myself.

What do girls like most about you?
My physique and the fact that I am not a proud person when they meet me face-to-face.

How do you know this?
They always disclose these to me when we get acquainted more.

Doesn’t that bother you? Most people want to be appreciated beyond their physical appearance.
No, because when some does know you that much, they will naturally appreciate what they see. When they get to know me they appreciate the inner me.

What can you tell us about your mother?
She used to be a lecturer back home in Nigeria but is now a professor and Vice Chancellor at one of the Universities in Uganda. I won’t mention her name though.

Who is your role model?
Ullissise, a fitness model from United States of America. (Pulls out his phone and shows me) I just love his physique and the fact that he is a fitness trainer, which is my dream career.