Your Knight: ‘In primary four I proposed to a Swedish girl’

Enock Ikiriza is a co-host on the breakfast show ‘Go’ on 104.1 Power FM. He is passionate about music and life. Mary Atuheire caught up with him

Was it ever in your plans to be on radio while growing up?
No it was never in my plans. I started out by doing comedy on radio while in my senior six vacation. But the production manager frustrated me because he kept dosing after lunch so I started learning how to produce all on my own and with time I got into presenting.

What course did you pursue at University?
I pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art.

What does it take in your opinion to be good in this field?
Knowing your audience well enough in order to be able to know what their needs are and meet them. Also, it helps to know your co-host’s character well. In case they are funny, then you have to be the serious one and vice versa so as to keep a balance.

What do you like about your kind of job?
Anonymity is what I like most. In fact until you came up to interview me, many people didn’t have a clue of what I look like.

What in life are you passionate about?
I’m so passionate about music and life in general. I love living life to its fullness, taking risks, watching movies and I enjoy outdoors so I love camping.

What is the craziest thing you have done for love?
I’m not a very expressive person when it comes to love. There was this one time in my primary four when I wrote a letter to a girl that I liked asking her to marry me. She was my neighbour and they were Swedish if I remember clearly. I got a typed reply together with my letter so I guess her parents read the letter and replied. Then to make matters worse, my family came across both letters that day. I was so embarrassed that I’m still recovering from it.

What is your idea of success?
Doing something that God wants you to be and doing the things you love to do. One can have all the finer things in life and not be happy if they are doing something they don’t love. I think it is cool to be paid for having fun.

What baffles you about women?
The fact that a woman can do something silly knowing it is silly but still insists on doing it. And instead blame it on the hormones.

Describe your ideal woman
Confident in herself, fun-loving, God fearing, intelligent (some one that can challenge me and I can have a debate with), looks good, appreciates and compliments me. Someone that will not change me but work with me to create a better version of who I am.

What do you think makes a good marriage?
Communication is the most important thing and of course love is also important.

Who is your role model and why?
David in the Bible mainly because he managed to have such a close relationship with God but still managed to be a normal man that makes mistakes or blunders.

What don’t you like about yourself?
The fact that I’m very critical especially with myself, I tend to make excuses for others but not for myself.

Who is the greatest woman in your life and why?
My mum, because she managed to raise me up and managed to remain sane.