Can I insert an IUD after missing my periods?

What you need to know:

  • If you continue missing your periods and the pregnancy tests become positive, then attend an antenatal clinic instead of a family planning clinic.

Dr I took postinor twice last month but I have now missed my periods though the pregnancy tests I have done including today are negative. I now want to insert a coil. Is it ok?? Luwenda K

Dear Luwenda,  when a woman has had unprotected sex and does not want to get pregnant, she can use an emergency contraception which in Uganda the most used is a pill containing a hormone progesterone (levonorgestrel). Though there are many brands of emergency contraception, Ugandan women mostly self-prescribe Postinor. 

The pill mostly prevents pregnancy by delaying or stopping shedding of the egg (ovulation) and for it to be effective, it should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex but the earlier it is taken the more effective.

The pill is not 100 percent effective and even then, many brands on the Ugandan market may be fake so that in case one misses a period, pregnancy tests have to be done to rule out pregnancy. That said, the pill may also delay periods as a side effect.

Unfortunately, when one has taken the pill and puts a coil before seeing periods, one may already be pregnant and yet the locally used tests are negative for pregnancy meaning that inserting the coil when one is pregnant already, will not prevent the pregnancy. 

Taking the emergency pill (Morning after pill) several times in one month but is an indicator that one requires using a regular method of contraception instead of emergency contraception.

The regular methods of contraception may include, using an intra-uterine-contraceptive device (IUD) whose insertion unfortunately should be carried out by a medical worker. The IUD can be used as an emergency contraception up to five days after unprotected sex but can continue working to prevent pregnancy for  eight to 12 years, depending on the type used. 

Wait for your periods first and then visit the medical worker or a family planning clinic when you are in your periods so that you can be helped to get the best regular contraceptive.

If you continue missing your periods and the pregnancy tests become positive, then attend an antenatal clinic instead of a family planning clinic.