Is the one meal a day diet ideal?

With the one meal a day diet, you can eat whatever you want provided it fits on a standard dinner plate.  PHOTO/COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • The OMAD diet is an extreme intermittent fasting method that restricts your eating periods to only one hour per day.

The one meal a day diet is the latest attention-grabbing weight loss trend. People on this diet eat food only after 23 hours and most claim this diet contributes to long-term weight loss success and better health, including delaying the ageing process.

With the one meal a day diet, you can eat whatever you want, provided it fits on a standard dinner plate, restricting your calorie intake. 

You must follow a consistent meal schedule, eating your one meal around the same time each day but can drink calorie-free drinks such as water and coffee throughout the day.

It is a type of intermittent fasting, where you fast for 23 hours and consume all your daily calories in one meal, eaten within one hour. During fasting, there is a reduction in the amount of harmful substances in the body.

The natural process of removing these substances called toxins continues while the entry of new toxins is reduced.

According to Ivan Philip Baguma, a nutritionist, the burden on the immune system reduces a great deal during a fast and the digestive tract is spared any swelling (inflammation) due to allergic reactions to food.

Also, tissues receive more oxygen and white blood cells are moved more efficiently since the amounts of fat in the blood, which thin the blood, are reduced. Additionally, pesticides and drugs, which are stored in fats are released. 

There is an increase in physical awareness and sensitivity to diet and surroundings when one is fasting and they will develop a higher level of consciousness.

Due to these effects, a fast can help you heal with greater speed; cleanse your liver, kidneys and colon, purify your blood, help lose excess weight and water, flush out toxins, clear eyes and tongue and cleanse the breath. 

“I recommend a seven-day detox, which includes a three-day detox juice fast if you want to fast for health reasons. This includes raw fruits and vegetables to kick start the system, three super foods to be taken as teas or as infusions in your water such as matcha ceremonial, essential greens and a detox cleansing blend to support your body to detox," Baguma says.

He, however, cautions: “Please do this under the supervision of a trained professional in order to prevent any adverse effects such as dizziness, headache and low blood sugar, among others. See a dietitian to ensure that your energy needs are met during this health fast.”

What to eat 
If the foods used to break the fast are actually in their right proportions, this should not cause any problem.

The challenge is that some of the people on this diet still eat unhealthy food when breaking their fast. Some people are largely sedentary and this would not be harmful to them but may instead help to regulate weight.

Asked about how long one should engage in such a type of diet, Baguma asserts that it is a case-by-case basis. "People must desist from generalised advice before dieting and should follow the guidance or supervision of a dietitian in order to prevent adverse effects," he affirms. About sustainability, he still affirms that it is also case by case basis. Some people use fasting as a lifestyle. Therefore, there is no one size fits all and personalised recommendations are better. 

The bad side
Since there is lack of nutritional guidance on what to eat for that one meal a day, Bena Okiria, a nutritionist, remarks that the one meal a day diet is not healthy, especially in the long run.

The meals we eat every day should include a source of protein balanced with wholegrain carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, protein and good fats to support good health, prevent disease and manage weight.

“We require all our meals in a day in order to get the nutrients needed for the proper functioning of the body. Fewer meals means fewer nutrients and this in the long run can cause nutrition deficiencies that also bring about a lot of physiological issues,” she says.

Slowed metabolism
When one fasts for a long time, the body’s metabolic rate is slowed down and the ultimate goal of weight loss will not be achieved. The brain will activate the conservation mode and the body learns to compensate for the absence of food. Therefore, no weight may be lost since weight loss happens when there is faster metabolism. 

Fasting for 23 hours a day is also likely to lead to extreme feelings of hunger and uncontrollable cravings, which may mean you consistently eat foods that are not good for you when it is time to eat. Long periods of fasting are not enjoyable, leading to feelings of deprivation and social isolation during mealtimes.

The one meal a day diet is counter intuitive because it is simply starving the body and in turn causes cravings and makes it hard to stick to the diet. At the time when you break the fast, one is bound to indulge in binge eating.  

“It is important that one eats all their meals that are well balanced with a variety of food groups in their respective amounts. This proper eating should be backed with exercise in order to manage weight. The shortcuts can be expensive and painful in the long run,” she warns. 

Okiria also recommends losing weight gradually and not aiming at losing it at once because it is not sustainable. She advises consulting a dietician for guidance on when to fast.

The OMAD diet is an extreme intermittent fasting method that restricts your eating periods to only one hour per day. Some evidence suggests that prolonged periods of not eating might result in weight loss.

Still, experts say this type of intermittent fasting may result in fatigue and severe hunger. In the end, you might gain or not lose weight. 

Talk to a healthcare provider before trying the OMAD diet. They can help you find a weight-loss program that involves eating balanced, healthy meals and staying physically active.