Why am I always cold?

What you need to know:

  • When a doctor checks for and does not find a usual cause of feeling cold, a fall in female hormones that precede and continue during menopause may then be implicated (cold flashes).

I feel cold even when it is hot. I went to see a doctor who said it was part of ageing. Could this be right?

Dear Jane, 
Feeling cold even when the weather is hot is a usual symptom of infections, thyroid disease, depression, or a migraine. When a doctor checks for and does not find a usual cause of feeling cold, a fall in female hormones that precede and continue during menopause may then be implicated (cold flashes).
Menopause, coming in later years in a woman’s life could be one reason the doctor referred to the likely cause of your problem as old age. That is not of course to overlook the fact that many aged people (70+) complain of feeling cold due to loss of fat layer muscle or weight, nutritional deficiencies, diseases of the blood vessels whereby the blood supply to the skin is reduced and anaemia.