ASK THE EXPERT: I am exposed to danger every night - security guard

Charles Erongot is a security officer . photo by Christine katende

Do guards need special training to do their job?

Guards have got to be trained because it is hard for them to provide security without knowing the tactics to use if invaded. Most of the guards that are attached to a security groups receive training the moment they have joined the company. They are given refresher courses where they are equipped with security skills.

What are some of the theft measures people should have on their fingertips?

In most cases, people have to be security conscious. They need to be vigilant all the time because if one is not alert, intruders are bound to enter the home at any time. Such people always come with an aim of killing, destroying and taking property. Some of the measures one may have include;
a) Having weapons that can scare away intruders like bows and arrows among others
b) Guarding the fence or house with electrified barbed wire
c) Enclosing the house with a strong wall fence

What are the peak hours for thieves and why?
Thieves are very tricky, they will not come during the early hours of the night because they know that people are still awake and alert. So, they will target late hours between 2 to 4am, the time that all people are deep asleep. They are sure that at that time they will be able to accomplish their mission without anyone noticing or interrupting them. It is also not adviseablefor people to move into their homes during such hours because you might fall into the thieves trap.

In case a thief broke into a home that has no guard, what possible ways can one do to protect his property and family?

In that case, one is advised to make loud alarms that can alert his neighbours. It is the neighbours to help one get rid of the thieves. Neighbours can also help by calling the police to the home so as to arrest the thief (s). It is true most thieves are scared away by the alarms. And also the person can use one of the weapons he has in his house to fight off the thief.

What would you do if thieves broke into a home you are guarding?
As a trained guard, I make sure that I take an ambush where the intruder cannot easily see me then shoot because I am already equipped with a gun and may be an arrow. The more gunshots I fire the more thieves get suppressed. And because most homes have alarm press buttons, it will be easy for me because the moment I touch it, the people in the control room will immediately send a patrol to the scene for rescue.

If your boss’ house was attacked, how would you warn them, without alerting the suspicions of the intruder?

I just move slowly to the bedroom window and alert him, that is if it is near and if that seems hard, I just give him a silent call because most bosses provide guards with their personal telephone contacts. So I tell him so that they get to know of what is going on outside. This will help them to prepare themselves in case if anything.

Why would you advise one to hire a guard in his home?

In most cases, guards help in protecting the lives of the people in the homes they guard. It is because as people are inside enjoying the sleep, the guard is busy moving around the compound ensuing that nobody breaks into the home. And in situations where people are away from their homes, it is the guard who that takes charge of the property.

How much do guards charge for night or a day shift?

The charges will always depend on whether the guard belongs to a security group or individual basis. Some security companies set a charge rate like Shs200, 000 per shift, meaning that a home owner will be paying Shs400,000 that is if he is using two guards (night and day). For the case of individual based guards, it will depend on the client’s status and may be location of the home. For that, the charges are negotiable.

What common challenges do most home guards face?

The biggest challenge guards’ face especially those working at night is exposure to danger. In most cases when thieves break into a home that has a guard, the major aim will be killing the guard first then continue with their mission after removing the stumbling block. Also, sometimes our bosses fail to pay our money in time after doing a good job. He will start harassing you whenever you talk about the debt he has with you.