Bank, Buganda kingdom in drive to tackle housing problem

Housing Finance Bank's recent house handover as part of the larger Decent Living Campaign, a partnership with the Buganda Kingdom and Habitat for Humanity Uganda aimed at focuses on elevating the living standards of over 300 individuals in the Buganda Kingdom counties of Busiro, Kyadondo, Ssingo, Mawokota, and Kyaggwe. Photo/ Ismail Musa Ladu

The need for decent, affordable housing in the country is obvious, according to sector players and stakeholders alike.
In partnership with Habitat for Humanity and the Buganda Kingdom, Housing Finance Bank underscores commitment to collaborate towards ensuring affordable and decent housing.

 The commitment was made during the presentation of a newly constructed eco-friendly house to Ms Namusisi Tezirwayo Zefloza, a 105-year-old resident of Buikwe district. 
This was part of the 'Decent Living Campaign' initiative launched in 2018, focusing on elevating the living standards of individuals in the Buganda Kingdom counties of Busiro, Kyadondo, Ssingo, Mawokota, and Kyaggwe.

Ms. Tezirwayo is among the over 900,000 Ugandans living in sub-standard housing units in need of replacement or upgrading within Uganda’s challenging housing sector that has a deficit of 2.4 million units coupled with an annual growth rate of 200,000 units.
Before receiving her new house, Ms Tezirwayo was Ieaving in a leaky, dilapidated house. This gesture moves serves as a testament to the power of the 'Decent Living Campaign', while underscoring importance of collaborative efforts in changing housing in most vulnerable communities.

Managing Director of Housing Finance Bank, Mr Michael Mugabi, said, “As an indigenous bank, we cannot turn a blind eye to the needs of the communities we serve. That's why, as part of our sustainability agenda, we aim to develop alongside our communities by promoting homeownership and financial independence.
The housing bank, according to Mr Mugabi, will continue to offer solution that enables most Ugandans falling within the low-middle income segment, with diverse income streams and minimal documentation consistency, to be entitled to a comfortable household with clean water and energy supply.

Mr. Fred Mukholi, Director of Programs at Habitat for Humanity, noted: “Much as the challenge is enormous, the determination to surmount it is very strong and together, we shall have a wall and a roof on those most vulnerable within our communities.”
The Buganda Kingdom, deeply rooted in Uganda's culture and heritage, has been an invaluable partner throughout the initiative.

“The partnership made with the Buganda Kingdom which has now resulted into the construction of six houses within this county is way to go,”  said Ms Esther Nakafu, Head of Women Affairs at Kyaggwe County.
The 'Decent Living Campaign' initiative underscores the positive impact of collaboration in improving the lives of vulnerable communities in Uganda.