She adds value to space

Chrissy showcases some of her work in Kira. She says in order to be a successful landscape designer, one should have passion for the job. PHOTO BY ALEX ESAGALA

What you need to know:

  • Everyone can be good at gardening or interior design. All you need is passion and lots of practice until you master the art. Ethel Chrissy shares her success tips.

Due to her love for gardening and landscaping, Ethel Chrissy quit her public service job to focus on the two. She loves nature and loves knowing the new trends in landscaping, skills she uses to offer her clients the best service.

How she started
Chrissy says that one day, a gentleman was hired to mow her parent’s compound. She realised that all he did was mow the grass without adding any beauty to the compound. In 2014, she started a company called Iconic Hedges and for two years she has made beautifying peoples’ homes and compounds her passion.
“From my love for nature and travelling, especially out of Uganda, I realised that a lot of improvement is needed when it comes to gardening and landscaping. I have gained knowledge and ideas from all the places I have visited and through the different gardening courses I have undertaken,” she says.

What it takes
According to Chrissy, a landscaper must love nature and study the environment. This helps you to identify why different plants or flowers can thrive in one area and not the other.
“Creativity and artistic nature have to be part of your personal traits because this can help you play around with designs in a way your clients will appreciate. The architectural mind and skill also helps you to build good concepts,” she says.

Services she offers
At Iconic Hedges we offer landscaping, maintenance services and gardening. I also undertake consultations on flowers and interior design although for the past two years I have concentrated on outdoor and interior décor. I design clients’ compounds and help them put their idle spaces to good use. “The size of the space you have does not matter. Any space can be put to good use,” she says.

How she gets clients
In the beginning I printed fliers and carried out door to door marketing.
I also organise meetings with estate managers to showcase my work. Its from these meetings that I get referrals. Other clients are referred by customers I have worked with in the past.
“I also have a Facebook page called Iconic Hedges where I post my work. When someone sees a design they like, they call me for consultation. However, a lot of patience is required because clients have different needs,” she says.

Chrissy encourages people to plant edible gardens as opposed to the usual flower gardens. “Adding flowers to your food enhances colour, flavour and will make your dish look exceptional. Some are spicy, and some herbaceous, while others are floral and fragrant. The range is surprising,” she advises.
Ensure the soil is good and rich with nutrients. If you are suspicious of the soil, add manure. To prepare for the changing climate, install a small irrigation system for backup. Chrissy says fruits such as mangoes, strawberries, and oranges make a good edible garden.

Service delivery
My team and I always want to add value to the client’s property. We therefore build a relationship with them and go beyond the simple limitations of the brief he or she provides.

The work is time and labour intensive. You need a lot of time and a number of emoployees to accomplish one project. We sometimes lose contracts because they cannot be executed within the time frame the client requires.
Generally, clients underestimate what landscapers do. As the director of Iconic Hedges, some clients do not want to hire me because they think I am too young to do the job.

Parting word
For those interested in landscaping, please study and acquire the knowledge required. For advice, contact us who are already in the field. Our doors are open to offer you assistance.