A day in the life of a PR officer: ‘I never switch off my phone’

Peter Kaujju is the public relations officer at Kampala Capital City Authority

My day usually starts at 4am with a word of prayer. I later take a quick shower, prepare and have breakfast, then get ready for work. I leave home at 5.30am. At that time, I am either heading to some radio stations for early morning shows or straight to office if there is none.

While at office, I take time to peruse through the daily newspapers, to find out if anything has been written about the institution (Kampala Capital City Authority) so I can respond, if necessary. That is normally done on radio or television.

I also attend internal or external meetings where we share ideas on how to plan and develop the city. In most cases, I don’t got out for lunch, I stay indoors to continue with work. A snack at my table makes my day. I normally meet people and respond to queries that they come with. I also go to the field with the enforcement team to oversee what is being done and also to brief the media. My phones are never switched off; I receive calls at any time so this forces me to always be alert.

Usually 5.30pm is the set time to leave office, but sometimes I work up to 10pm.
I have made a lot of contacts and also interacted with different people since I took up this job. I am proud to be part of the team that has transformed Kampala city.
I barely get time to rest since I have to serve so many people throughout the day. Also changing peoples’ negative attitude towards work is a bit challenging. People think that it is the institution’s responsibility to do everything, which is not possible.

We are planning to have better opportunities in terms of service delivery, like collecting more garbage from the city, improving the road networks, structures, among other things.

Peter Kaujju is the public relations officer at Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA)