Chef Evelyn Nabulime on her culinary insights,  journey

Chef Evelyn Nabulime. PHOTO/A.KADUMUKASA 

What you need to know:

  • Passionate about kitchen tricks. Evelyn Nabulime, the head chef at The Yellow Haven Lodge in Bunga Ggaba talks about her education and favourites in the culinary business.

Tell us about your culinary education and exposure. 

My  name is Evelyn Nabulime and I hail from Nakasongola District. I trained from the African Hospitality institute (AHI) which was founded by Maggie Josiah some 20 years ago in Ekitangala Ranch Nakasongola District.

I trained for one year from 2008 to 2009. Thereafter, I started work at Sipi River Lodge in Kapchorwa District. I am currently at The Yellow Haven Lodge in Bunga, Kawuku Ggaba Road, Kampala as the head chef, clocking eight years plus. 

Your culinary highlights in your career. 

Being introduced to Continental food, something that I had never dreamt of in my life and being exposed to a variety of different types of foods. 

Over the years, I have learnt a variety of dishes from places such as Holland and India. And, a gamut of continental dishes.

Which  chefs have influenced you the most and why? 

I love watching TV cooking shows, and among my favourite chefs are Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver. Locally, Chef Godwin of Foods and Kitchen fame who is famous for his tremendous cooking videos on YouTube. His cooking skills make cooking look so easy, interesting and effortless. 

If you had to choose, which favourite cookbooks would you settle for? 

• Joy of Cooking by Irma S. Rombauer and Marion Rombauer 

• Everyday  Cooking by Sanjeev Kapoor

• The Book of Soups by Lorna Rhodes

• Thai Cooking by Hilaire Walden 

Your favourite kitchen gadget or item is…? 

A good and durable cooking range, preferably one that uses gas.  Of course, when not available there is nothing to beat the regular Ugandan sigiri. 

I am also a big fan of the air fryer and a good food processor is also a must-have item in any kitchen. 

Last but not least, a good set of cooking knives. 

Tell us about the most memorable dining experience or maybe two such events. 

I remember this one day at Yellow Haven Lodge when we hosted Ms Deborah R. Malac, the former US ambassador to Uganda and her team.

We prepared for them one of our prestigious buffets. I felt so honoured by her compliments. The occasion shall remain indelibly etched in my mind and was a landmark in my career. 

I also remember when we hosted the Queen Mother of Toro Kingdom, Best Kemigisa. 

Your favourite eating joint in Uganda, if any at all! 

I find little time to dine out but I love Café Javas as well as The Great Indian Dhaba when I am in the mood for Indian food.

Naturally, I will always be a fan of where I work, The Yellow Haven Lodge which is surrounded by nature and the ambiance is cosy and lovely.

Have you any food item that is your guilty pleasure? 

I am a sucker for good and hearty sandwiches and hot dogs. 

Which dish would you single out as your favourite? 

Nasi goring; a Dutch style Indonesian dish which is favourable for all kinds of people from different parts of the world. It is rice that is served with a fried egg on top, peanut sauce and chili on the side.

Tell us about your worse experience in the kitchen and how you overcame it. 

I was preparing food for some guests and ran out of gas.  I checked with one of the guests in one of our apartments to help me with his gas cylinder. Thankfully, he was not using it saving my day.

Secret junk food that you love to indulge yourself…no holds bar! 

Chicken nuggets and meat balls.

What three food items would you consider indispensable to you? 

Being a Muganda, matooke without hesitation. However, the following are also very important; rice, chicken and potatoes.

In view of the past pandemic and resultant upheavals that it caused, what is the future of the hospitality industry in Uganda? 

The Ugandan hospitality industry is growing and promising. Naturally, there are many challenges we face such as the tax regime and the high rent in the city centre. 

Fortunately, people are beginning to realise that with some patience, good planning and first rate food, folks will drive out to the suburbs in their quest to find good food. 

What inspires you about cooking and what do you love about the industry? 

Being able to put a smile on people’s faces after eating the food that I have painstakingly prepared. The fact that I am able to satisfy many customers is a great inspiration to me and makes my day. 

I am always challenged to give my best knowing full well that in a sense, once a dish leaves my kitchen (figuratively) it becomes a point of no return item. 

What are your specialties?

Hotline, salads, starters, pastries. 

Is there food for which you would travel across the globe?  

Yes, nothing that beats a good pizza Margherita with a bubbly crust, a well-made tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella cheese and basil and a drizzle of good olive oil. 

Your comfort food is…

Yellow Thai curry and honey based baked pork ribs.

Four items that are in your fridge (now) 

• Milk

• Butter

• Farmer’s Choice bacon and sausages. They are simply tops 

• Vegetables

Tell us about the most memorable dining experience. 

I remember this one day at Yellow Haven Lodge when we hosted Ms Deborah R. Malac, the former US ambassador to Uganda and her team. We prepared for them one of our prestigious buffets. I felt so honoured by her compliments. The occasion shall remain indelibly etched in my mind and was a landmark in my career. 

I also remember when we hosted the Queen Mother of Toro Kingdom, Best Kemigisa.