Marching to unite in Christ

Bishop Nathan Ibrahim Turyamureeba (in blue suit) of Daystar Cathedral leading the Jesus March in Mbarara. PHOTOS BY RAJAB MUKOMBOZI

What you need to know:

  • WALK OF FAITH. Hundreds of Pentecostal believers braved the hot weather for more than four hours as they joined a walk dubbed ‘Jesus March’. They march from Daystar Cathedral Mbarara, through the streets , of Saveyo, Mile 2, Kisenyi, Kijungu, Kiswahili and Biafra, the suburbs which are said to be crime zones. RAJAB MUKOMBOZI explorers what the march is about?

The last time I observed such a gathering in Mbarara town was during last year’s political season as political parties struggled to show numerical strength but unlike that time where the following donned party and candidate T-shirts, chanting victory songs, this time it was bibles, people dancing and praising God.

According to Bishop Nathan Ibrahim Turyamureeba, Daystar Cathedral Mbarara. Jesus March is an event uniting believers in the Kingdom mind. It was started by Daystar Cathedral and later be embraced by all Pentecostal churches in Mbarara,

“It’s an event where we put aside the names of our churches, pastors and leaders and unite together under God’s Kingdom. Irrespective of denominations and following, we believe in the bible, our Lord God and his son Jesus Christ. So, we thought it important to always find time to worship and glorify our good Lord together and thus the birth of Jesus March,” said Bishop Turyamureeba.

Celebrate mankind
The march is about celebrating the Love of Jesus for mankind and dedicating of people’s lives to the grace, will, spirit and mercy of God.

This is the second time the march is being organised, the first one being in 2014.
“We are guided by the Holy Spirit to organise this match so we can’t say it’s annual, before this march we announce fasting for 40 days so this march climaxes our fasting. That’s why it’s a more respected and holy event in the lives of Pentecostals here,” notes Bishop Turyamureeba.

Sign of love
Besides uniting believers, it is a sign of love and dedication to the love of God and Jesus Christ our saviour.
“If people can walk, demonstrate for politicians who are just human beings why not for our good Lord and his son Jesus Christ who has been there for us all this long. It is hypocrisy, if a believer fails to join such holy a walk,” said Annet Kagyenzi, who travelled from Isingiro for the march.

Preach to all
The march is also a way of preaching the gospel.
“You see how the routes were designed during this march. It was through some of the crime-prone areas such as Kijungu where prostitution and drug abuse is common to preach to these people the word of God,” said Ezra Muhereza of Pentecostal Life Church.

Bishop Turyamureeba says through this event many people have given their lives to Jesus, including sorcerers and those practicing witchcraft denouncing their evil ways.

Pastor Moses Nimbimanya of Ibanda New Life Church, said congregating and coming together in worship reminds them of their identity and mission of the gospel.

“Walk for Jesus has shaped the culture of Pentecostal churches here to have common language, identity, mission and practices,” said Pastor Nimbimanya.

He adds that this event orients their worship. They are challenged and encouraged and reminded to worship one God.
In all, those behind Jesus March say it enhances, encourages, empowers and unifies them in mission.

Guest says
Kiruhura LCV Chairperson Rev Sam Katugunda who addressed these Christians at Daystar Cathedral after the walk said unity in church remains a foundation of evangelism and that Jesus March is best practice in the mission of the church.