My first job was digging a 40-feet pit-latrine

Enock Ikiriza Kiremire

The first thing I do in the morning…
I usually meditate for a few minute and pray for my day. Then, I prioritise what needs to be done.

The first thing I do when I get to work is…
Review what needs to be done with the team, respond to emails and I order for breakfast.
My earliest childhood memory…
One day, my sister and I ran back after watching Michael Jackson’s Thriller at our neighbour’s house in the evening. We had a power outage immediately after watching the music video and realised that it was getting dark. Walking back through the trees was the longest journey in history even though it was just a few metres.
My first best friend…
Michael Okumu-Wengi at Kampala Parents School but, I lost touch with him in Primary Six when we moved to Luweero. However, my mother tells me of two friends I had in nursery school that I was inseparable with. She says we called ourselves ‘The three handsome boys’ but I have no memory of that.
My first kiss…
What?! My mom might read this paper and I am shy. Plus, I don’t kiss and tell.
My childhood hero…
I had several…mostly fictional characters such as Tarzan, Rambo and the like. But as far as actual human beings my dad was probably the most consistent one on the list.
The first book I read…
Peter and Jane, one of those children readers and Aesop’s Fables. By, Primary Seven, I was an avid reader who had read most of Robert Ludlum, John Grisham, Fredrick Forsyth and Tom Clancy novels.

My first job…
Digging a 40-feet pit-latrine in Kasana, Luweero during my Primary Seven vacation. We woke up at 5am daily to maximise the cool hours of the morning because we had other chores for the day. We finished it in three days. I was proud of myself.
My first salary…
Shs45, 000 for the pit-latrine gig. I bought a soda and rubber from tyres [Olukoba lwe’gaali] part of which I put on my bicycle carrier and the other I used to repair my slingshot. I then kept the balance with my mother for pocket money to take to secondary school.

My current job…
I am a team leader at The Usual Suspects. We do public relations, talent management and production. I also, occasionally do some freelance work as a producer for film and for live shows in the East African region.
What I like about my job…
Flexibility and the challenge. I thrive in creative spaces that push you to be innovative and to deliver results over and above the ordinary, especially when they allow you to think outside the box and have tangible impact.
What I dislike about it…
Occasionally, I work with rigid and unimaginative clients who want to do the same old concepts and projects even when they are not yielding results. Also, there are clients who want to do your job for you.
Most memorable experience…
Ah man, I have very many of these that I could fill a book.
Biggest regret …
I do not have any regrets. Everything in life is either a win or a lesson.