Ten things every man ought to have

What you need to know:

Although there are very many things that will set you apart as a man, there is a minimum list of possessions for the true man.

There are certain things that define a man. They characterise men, basing on what we have, and what we do. Below are 10 things that every man should own.

A house
What is a man without a roof over his head? We live in a society characterised by stereotypes. You hear older men advise younger ones on the order of doing things. They will tell you how they put up their first grass-thatched house when they clocked adolescence. But what does that mean for the common man of today? A man ought to have a house of his own, a haven that he can retire to. But worry not as this is not something you just jump into. But at least, you should work towards it. Abbey Kasiira, a programme assistant with the NGO Forum, believes that a house should be top among the possessions that every man ought to have.

A wallet
A wallet is but a great accessory and says so much about a man. It tells you such things as what a man’s discipline is when it comes to spending. At times, it serves as a moderator, telling you that you have to slow down. Today in a world big on networking, wallets serve the purpose of holding business cards, your ATM card, and general identity as a man. Emmanuel Kiberu, a second year Makerere University statistics student, says a wallet shows a man’s level of organisation, and at least tries to give that impression.

Multi-tasking tool
Men are presumed to be able fix different things in the house. From fixing door locks to replacing broken fuses. Every man should at least be able to do one or two things of those. And this can sometimes be achieved by having a multi-tasking tool. Godfrey Kalanzi, a technician, says there are so many things a man can fix without necessarily calling for an expert. He points out tools such as a pair of pliers, spanner or pocketknife.

A pair of shorts
Men are blessed with different physiques and types of legs. These range from the hairy ones to the potbellied back that we would rather hide. But even then, shorts make very good casual clothes and sometimes help you relax better. However funny your legs might look like, we ought to have the shorts for the memory of youthfulness that they bring, David Mukisa, a hotelier, says.

Sandals are not just an accessory to a man but have health benefits too. After spending days dressed in closed shoes and trotting from one meeting to another all week long, you ought to open up your feet to the freshness that Mother Earth has to offer. They make very comfortable companions for a man during leisure time and also show the level of grooming a man has.

A jacket or Blazer
Jackets are not just stylish but also show one’s level of test. A blazer for one is a must-have accessory for every man. And this is not just because it can be worn casually but also does well with formal clothing creating that easy ease from formal to casual look. It is one thing every man should add to his collection. James Mugisha, an accountant, says once in a while given the nature of our weather jackets become an important accessory not only for the warmth they easily provide but for the stylish element of it.

A talent
We are all gifted with the skill and mastery of different forms of art. Every man ought to discover that one thing that he should live for. Talents are known to bring out the best in us. It could be playing an instrument, singing, travelling, and leadership. Discovering your talents also helps you draw closer to your purpose in life. Menelik a freelance drummer, says most times talents bring happiness and satisfaction to us.

Knowledge is power and what better way to satisfy that insatiable love that we all have for the need to be noticeably larger than life! Every man ought to be informed about certain things in their surroundings. This knowledge should be able to help you pass on wisdom to other people. Paulo Kato, a retired teacher, says knowledge comes with wide reading and as such, says every man ought to be wide-read, to be able to acquire enough knowledge.

A tie
Every man ought to own a tie. But that is just not enough as they should be able to knot it. Such small things as this are what we must be able to pass on to our children.

Discovering your purpose
Every man ought to have something to die for in this world. These usually give us reason to wake up every morning to go and work. This also comes with discovering your purpose. Ian Ortega believes discovering your purpose will make you want to wake up every morning to do that one thing you are destined for. He adds that it brings about excellence that is compared to none other.

Definitive possessions
These may not merely be assets but things that define one. Such may include an old car, a favourite cap that can be passed on to your children. Such possessions are usually vary from a car, house, three pairs of shoes, wallet, and friends and are some of the things we strive hard to create and keep.