Tina Turner’s life is a master class in love, faith and success

Learn to accept that some things will be beyond your control. Photo/Courtesy

What you need to know:

  • From the inches and inches of space dedicated to this relationship, it is clear that to Ike, Tina was nothing more than an asset.

  • In fact, she revealed that she knew Ike patented her name as form of control.

To be the best, one must learn from the very best. And if there is a success story we can learn from, then it is that of Tina Turner.

Many of us are born in obscurity without or with limited prospects at life. Some of those prospects might be our intellect, physical strength or a talent.

Trying to make the most of these God-given gifts will earn you nothing but mockery and names such as wannabe or dreamer.

If you fall in this category congrats, you are in a life-long uphill battle. 

However, the great news is you can make it; if Tina Turner did it, you too have a shot at achieving your dreams and changing the world forever.

The dainty-sized legend was born was born Anna Mae in Nutbush, Tennessee. Her parents, Floyd and Zelma Bullock, were poor sharecroppers, who split up and left Anna Mae and her sister to be raised by their grandmother.

When her grandmother died in the early 1950s, Anna Mae moved to St Louis, to be with her mother.  

Barely in her teens, Anna Mae, who sang in her church choir, quickly immersed herself in St Louis’s R&B scene, spending much of her time at Club Manhattan. 

It was there, in 1956, that she met rock ’n’ roll pioneer Ike Turner, who often played at the club with the Kings of Rhythm.

Soon, she was performing with the group as “Little Ann,” and she quickly became the highlight of their show.

The odds of all these things conspiring to give to the world the gift that was Tina are simply dizzying.

What if her parents had not separated? What if her grandmother had not died? How many times do you play the “what if game” in your own life?

Not wanting to sound fatalistic, but, whatever happened is what was meant to make your life better, it is up to you to be like Tina and make the most out of it.

Shortly after the meeting and a few successful hits, the relationship with her manager progressed from business to intimate. Was she ever infatuated by the towering and charismatic Ike or did she just agree to the relationship for practical reasons?

This is a critical lesson Tina’s life teaches us.

From the inches and inches of space dedicated to this relationship, it is clear that to Ike, Tina was nothing more than an asset.

In fact, she revealed that she knew Ike patented her name as form of control.

He had found the goose that laid golden eggs and he was not about to let it go.

Knowing this and also knowing she could not stay in the relationship, she started making her exit plan, which would not affect her children and career. 

Many of us often find ourselves in similar situations, instead of bidding our time and exiting with self-control, we give in to knee jerk reactions; motivated by fear, anger, pain and hate, which blind one to common sense.

Even in the most difficult times, let reason guide you rather than emotions. We burn memories, change names even if it interferes with our lives just to be rid of a bad relationship from the past. But does changing your name automatically erase the past? 

Sometimes, it is okay to end a relationship but keep what is valuable as Tina did.

When Ike tried to take back his name, she fought for it, not because she wanted to remain connected to its owner but because she had worked hard to turn it into a household name.

Always look at the big picture and do not let pride or anger cloud your judgment when important decisions need to be made.

With all temptations surrounding her, it would have been understandable if not expected for her to start abusing alcohol, using drugs or philandering as a way of coping and getting back at her husband.

But not Tina.

Instead, she embraced Buddhisim, which she says helped keep her mind calm and her soul clear.

Having something bigger than herself to believe in gave her hope and faith in herself and gave her the resilience to endure whatever life threw her way.

It also kept her grounded and that is why in her six decade career, there was never any scandal associated with her name. 

Her professionalism puts many so called artistes to shame.

She performed as if her life depended on it.

Whether she had just delivered a baby or had been battered black and blue a few minutes ago, as long as she could stand, she believed in giving her audience the best show every time.

As a professional, Tina believed in growth and reinvention.

Many artistes are blinded by fame and forget how fickle audiences are.

Tina understood this and did her best not only to grow with her audience but to always keep it fresh.

Whether it was her wardrobe, make up, hair or choreography, Tina was always freakishly on trend. 

I know trying to get to Tina’s standards is a tall order but most of us take the stagnation to a new low.

I will not mention those branded T-shirts that have become the bane of many a husband.

Nor will I mention that you last bought vests and boxers when you were courting your then girlfriend with whom you are planning your fifth wedding anniversary.

What about your career? When did you last learn something new? When did you last come up a new idea for your business?

I know you are comfortable with the way things are and you love your life.

But as Tina sung, ‘what’s love got to do with it?’

As we all know if you are not growing, you are dying. Everything can benefit from an update now and then.

Long before body positivity was a thing, Tina was championing a whole generation to proudly embrace who they are.

At a time when legs had to be abnormally long to be considered beautiful, Tina did not only proudly show off her shapely normal length legs but also put a price tag on them.

When she damaged her scalp during a hair treatment, she took to wearing wigs that became her signature style. She always wore a dazzling and big smile that covered her buck teeth.

So what if you have big arms or a wobbly stomach? If your hair does not grow, just buy some.

There is no reason for you to walk around like you owe the world money.

Tina triumphed over abuse from her first marriage and went on to live happily ever after in her subsequent marriage.

She refused to let her past define her. Do not let adversity stop you from reaching your fullest potential. Instead, let it be a stepping stone to a better future.

Tina Turner facts
In 1985 Tina Turner starred alongside Mel Gibson in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

Two songs she recorded for the movie; We Don’t Need Another Hero and One for the Living, became hits and Tina won a Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance.

In 1988 Tina Turner broke a world record. She has the largest audience ever at a live paid solo concert. There were 184,000 in the audience for her Break Every Rule tour in Rio de Janeiro at the Maracana.

Rest in Peace Tina turner, you were simply the best.

Sylvia Mwesigye  
Another Perspective