Uganda @58 must repent and change
When thinking about the relationship between religion and politics, it is helpful to ask whether people with religious convictions have a place in politics, and how they act appropriately there. They are people who are bent on what constitutes a good society and a good human life. They hold these views strongly enough to associate with others in realising them.
Whereas the acronym CV usually stands for “curriculum vitae”, there it also designates “Catholic Vote”. Catholics have been active in the politics of the US since the mid-19th Century. CV is spearheaded by a lay-led movement of committed Catholics, called Catholic Political Action Committee.
CV defends human life as being the greatest of gifts from God, which must be treasured and protected by all, from conception to natural death. It rejects artificial contraception and abortion as means of family planning, since these contravene God’s intention for conjugal union. CV upholds motherhood as a beautiful gift, which should be honoured and supported. Marriage is appreciated as a life-long covenant between one man and one woman; and the family as the fundamental building block of society.
CV believes that science and medicine must always focus on the good and dignity of each human being. Human beings must never be treated as means to an end, but as the ultimate beneficiaries. It espouses charity as the virtue by which society can defend the weakest and help the poor.
CV denounces the death penalty as being a viral of violence and death. Two wrongs do not make right. Jesus teaches us to love everyone, including our enemies (Matthew 65:44). He died on the cross between two criminals, demonstrating that He came to save rather than condemn sinners (Luke 23:32).
CV calls for responsible stewardship of the Earth. Instead of exploiting nature, we must seek innovative ways to live sustainably, such as renewable energy. CV advocates for the principle of subsidiarity in addressing the needs of citizens.
CV acknowledges the need for God’s intervention through regular prayer for the nation, so that positive and peaceful change can take place through the ballot box (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
In Uganda, the Democratic Party (DP) began in 1954, as the flagbearer of Catholic Vote, to fight for Uganda’s independence and national unity. Its motto: Truth and justice, has been espoused beyond the Catholic faithful.
“When you tell the truth, justice is done, but lies lead to injustice,” articulates Proverbs 12:17.
Under its visionary leader, Benedicto Kiwanuka, DP led Uganda to Internal Self-government in 1961. But DP was denied the opportunity to lead Uganda into independence due to unholy alliance between Uganda People’s Congress and Kabaka Yekka against DP. In December 1980, DP, under Dr Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere, won the general elections, but were rigged in favour of Milton Obote’s UPC.
During his leadership, Archbishop Dr Joseph N. Kiwanuka (1899-1966) educated the clergy and laity on the cause CV for the building of the nation. His pastoral letter, “Church and State”, addressing the governmental crisis of Obote in 1965, became very instrumental on political leadership and democratic maturity.
At the dawn of the 21st Century, Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala launched what he named “Third Millennium Agenda”. Basing on Matthew 5:13-16: “You are the salt of the earth and light of the world”, the Cardinal called upon Catholics to get fully and actively involved in the political affairs of the nation, regardless of one’s political affiliation. The Justice and Peace Commission of the Church and Lubaga Cathedral National Foundation endeavoured to advance the agenda.
Despite persistent pastoral leadership of Catholic bishops and others, the militarisation and monetarisation of politics are critically threatening CV values. Uganda @58 should repent and change.